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Ahazi Shipping / AHAZI

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing

The word “Outlaw” gets thrown around a lot these days, to avoid such a negative label, Ahazi Shipping is a co-operative created to lend some legitimacy to its member’s operations.
Its banner is flown in both legitimate space and less reputable systems alike.


Ahazi Shipping. (Co-Op)

Established by a group of friends during a particularly hairy night of drinking on some no-name backwater world, Ahazi shipping has gone on to be one of those “oh not these clowns again” shipping companies.
Despite of their apparent disregards for protocols, Ahazi Shipping has earned a reputation for getting things done, against all odds.


Ahazi Shipping. (Co-Op)

Ahazi Shipping is a Co-operative that focuses on being a social company of like-minded operators of good fortune. Normally operating on the edge of, or beyond, the reach of the UEE. Ahazi Shipping caters to the needs of border-worlds, supply, cargo security and rapid under-the-radar passenger transport.

There are some rumors that some of Ahazi Shipping vessels specialize in carrying more flavored cargo… All of the captains have declined to comment.


Ahazi Shipping. (Co-Op)

All Members will abide by the rules of this charter.

  1. All Members must be treated with respect.
  2. A sense of humor is essential.
  3. No piracy. Out the airlock!
  4. No slaving. Much airlock!
  5. No transporting narcotics, death by tray, or airlock, whatever is close to hand.
  6. Be helpful
  7. Don’t beg.
  8. Arsehats will be merrily thrown out of nearest airlock.