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UEE 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet / 4ECHELON

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Exploration

We are the Navy’s 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet. And we are all Forged by Space. Enlist Today. Victory Tomorrow.


Our Mission:
The mission of the 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet was always to provide specialized support to the Empire in times of war. In times of peace, the fleet is headquartered in the Stanton system and provides additional security to the planets located in the system. Their main focus within Stanton system is hunting down and apprehending High-Risk Targets (HRTs), Very High-Risk Targets (VHRT’s), and Extreme-Risk Targets (ERT’s). This fleet currently holds a 100% success record for criminal apprehensions.
The 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet was founded in 2606 as an initiative to help the Empire quickly and effectively deploy troops anywhere within the Empire in a moment’s notice during the Second Tevarin War in 2605.

Training and Recruitment
Standard training begins as the recruits arrive on MacArthur via Naval transport. They are immediately given a choice, known as the Rubicon, which is a final opportunity to reconsider the enlistment. After which, the recruits will be divided into groups and assigned to their training camp, known as a Forge. They will also meet their Divisional Officer who will be their first mentor to train them for Naval Service. Recruits train in the shadows of the massive shipyards at the academies and boot camps on MacArthur in the Kilian system. The boot camp facilities are called Forges and they put new recruits through a vigorous eight month training program. The basic courses our specialists are expected to learn during their time in our academy are;

Basic and Advanced Firearm Training
Basic Combat Training
Physical Training Exercises
Flight Training (Only for potential pilots)
Logistics Training

The 4th Ech. Expd. Flt. will not condone;
Terrorist Organisations
Drug Trafficking and Interstellar Organised Crime
Illegal Arms Trading
Any Activity That Violates UEE Law

(While this organization does follow certain UEE and UEE Navy beliefs, we do change certain things around to provide a better RP platform)


Naval Pledge
Hear and witness that I do solemnly pledge, mind and body, that I will serve and protect the United Empire of Earth against all who would seek to harm it and its people.
That I will faithfully discharge the duties asked of me and when called upon, I will defend the Empire with my life.
That I will be the sword and the shield. That I will not falter nor fail but fight and win.
That I swear to do all in my power to act as a guardian of freedom and justice, as a champion of honor and valor, and as a true and proud member of the UEE Navy.


CHAPTER I OF THE 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet Charter

Rules of Engagement

No civilian targets. Whether we suspect them of being a shell company for a pirate organization, or they just took a job shipping illicit cargo without realizing who the job was from, we will not attack or destroy them unless fired upon. If we have good reason to suspect them, we might ask nicely to inspect their cargo or discuss their destination.

If attacked unprovoked by a member of another organization or syndicate, members should attempt to ascertain the name of the attacker, as well as their faction so that a retaliatory strike can be prepared. In cases where the attack was carried out without the support of the attacker’s organization, we will attempt to negotiate reparations.

CHAPTER II OF THE 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet Charter

Chain of Command

Commissioned Officers
O-5 Fleet Captain FCPT (Fleet Commander)
O-4 Captain CAPT
O-3 Commander CDR
O-2 Lieutenant LT
O-1 Ensign ENS

Enlisted Ranks
E-7 Chief Master Sergeant CMSgt
E-6 Senior Master Sergeant SMSgt
E-5 Master Sergeant MSgt
E-4 Sergeant Sgt
E-3 Senior Specialist SSpc
E-2 Specialist II Spc2
E-1 Specialist I Spc1
E-0 Recruit

CHAPTER III OF THE 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet Charter


The 4th Ech. Expd. Flt. will not condone;
1. Piracy
2. Terrorist Organizations
3. Drug Trafficking and Interstellar Organised Crime
4. Illegal Arms Trading
5. Any Activity That Violates UEE Law

Members are expected to join our official Discord server
Members are expected to designate a considerable amount of time to the organization
Members are expected to follow the chain of command at all times
Members are expected to show respect when addressing members of higher ranking
Members are expected to respect their fellow specialists

CHAPTER IV OF THE 4th Echelon Expeditionary Fleet Charter