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Outfit 418 / 418

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Welcome to the Star Citizen branch of Outfit 418. We’re a tight-knit group with a loose set of goals. We welcome anyone willing to become a part of the community, and we have no regulations on what roles our members take outside the organisation.

Blood for Betsie!


Outfi 418 is a young organisation, started on Terra Prime as a private security company, providing various levels of security for primarily traders and settlers while slowly attracting more and more pilots to its cause. Having always had the intention to grow beyond its simple security role, the organisation, in the longer term, plans to organise its own trading and exploration, believing the future lies outside the Terra system, 418 is always looking for a new base of operations to expand to and through – the dreamed Ceres System.

The organisation was originally inspired by High-General Volder over 400 years ago who ruthlessly but systematically expanded the borders of the UPE. While the pilots of 418 naturally follow (msot of) the laws that were established since Volder’s time, they will not shy away from protecting their rights and claims from competitors – which has occasionally led to minor skirmishes with competing organisations, though all-out conflicts are bad for business, so 418, while it remains small, has always done its best to avoid leaving traces or offending any rivals who might be able to take them down. At the same time 418 has been establishing its own alliances with other companies when their areas of interest do not directly conflict with ours, all in the interest of mutual protection and expansion.

In most recent years, the organisation has seen the acquisition of some larger ships, and it’s finally time to push the boundaries of its early work as security patrols and give its pilots more freedom to act independently, while still working for the general good of the organisation as a whole.


Starting as a Planetside 2 Outfit, 418 has since expanded to numerous other games while always having an eye for Star Citizen in the future. We keep a private website and TeamSpeak (, both of which are welcome for all to use and organise games to play with our members.


Outfit 418’s initial goals will be to set itself up as a reliable and useful group of mercenaries whose jobs will vary greatly depending on the task needed. In the longer run, we hope to maintain sufficient members to be self-reliant, while maintaining positive relations with our allies. We have no expectations (nor particular desire) to become a huge powerhouse of thousands of players whom we won’t be able to keep track of anyway – instead we will remain big enough to have whatever impact we desire (to be determined), while still keeping a close-knit, friendly community internally.


The Outfit 418 rules and regulations:

  • All members must become active members of the 418 community – joining on our private website and Teamspeak.
  • Members are expected to contribute to the Organisation once doing so becomes possible. Whether that means flying ops, joining boarding parties, crewing on bigger ships, or something else entirely is still open to discussion.
  • Piracy is allowed, but not against fellow Organisation members (including future alliance members), and it should not be if it will bring unnecessary trouble for the Organisation as a whole or its more peaceful members. The gain must outweigh the cost.
  • Inter-organisation conflicts should be kept to a minimum. Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance, claims (jump points, loot, cargo, etc.) belongs to the first person to find it, except during planned Ops where the highest ranking participant will distribute among either all members or all ops participants (pre-planned agreements till take precedence over this, though a “fair use policy” should be kept in mind at all times).