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Rescue Revive Repair / 3RS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

A small organisation for players interested in rescue missions. Rescue ejected pilots in space or crash landed on planets. Repair damaged ships. Resuscitate players with on-board medical facilities. Or provide security for rescue teams in space or planet side.

For casual, friendly gamers.


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Our Mission

3RS is a small rescue and recovery outfit offering combat support services to individual pilots and marines right up to corporate fleets and armies. We provide both space and planetary rescue and recovery including battlefield first aid, on site ship repairs and evacuation to medical facilities.

Our Vision

To create a team of friendly, caring and daring citizens who are interested in the well being of the universe. We can work in singles, pairs or larger teams depending on the task at hand.

Our Team

We are primarily looking for pilots of search and rescue ships such as the Cutlass Red and repair ships such as the Crucible but combat pilots/marines are also needed to provide protection for our teams both in space and planetside.

Future Goals

Our ultimate goal is to pool our resources and purchase a Polaris support corvette as a multi-crew command ship with internal ship repair and medical facilities for sustained deep space field support ops.

For Clients

Please contact us well in advance if you are planning full scale planetary, fleet or station invasions so we can make the appropriate support service arrangements.


This organisation is for casual gamers interested in rescue and repair missions.

There is a zero tolerance policy towards trolling, bullying and any other bad behaviour. First offence earns you immediate ejection from the organisation, so common courtesy must be observed at all times.

This group is also for the good guys. Entry is barred to known pirates, raiders or murderers either in game or in real life. Any members found to have engaged in this behaviour will be ejected.