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Trinity Defence Contractors / 3DCO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Private Security focusing on anti pirate operations with a secondary focus on bounty hunting.


Trinity Defence Contractors was established to combat the growing threat of piracy against civilians within the Stanton System made up from veteran pilots and soldiers men and women who wish for nothing more than the safety and prosperity of others. And those who like to smack pirates around


policing systems to prevent piracy upon civilian transports and commerce ships by patrols and escorts.
while we have a company dedicated to our own industrial interests we will never ignore the call of those in need of protection


1) be polite at all times and treat others with respect (we wont ask you to like someone but keep it civil)
2) treat others in the verse who maybe new or not with the same level of respect shown to Company members (unless pirates or griefers and deserved to be shot out the sky)
3) political debates can get nasty quick I will ask you to refrain or have a private conversation with whomever it is you are debating with (but remember rule number 1)
4) try to have fun otherwise what’s the point