167th Battalion "Star Jumpers" / 167TH

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

You look better in a Hornet


Born from the Various Branches of the UEE military the Star Jumpers are soldiers, pilots marines and crewmen who still want to server in some capacity. Due to military defunding the personnel of the 167th use personal funds from a multitude of jobs to pay for equipment and ships used in the protection of trade ships across the Stanton and Pyro Systems.



Provide assistance to pilots in need:
- In the form of escort and security
- Search and rescue
- Recovery of stolen ships

Provide military assistance:
- To local government, UEE or security forces
- To civilians in distress
- To originations under assaults

Taking military action Against:
- Pirates
- Rogue governments
- Criminal Organizations
- Outside Threats to the stability of the Empire


Under the UEE and Star Jumpers Charter members of the organizations are expected to:

Act in a manor befitting UEE Military:
- Members are expected to provide assistance to citizens and civilians in destress
- Report misconduct and Illegal behavior
- Maintain equipment in a professional capacity
- Maintain and Enforce UEE Laws

Pilots are expected to:
- Report to a request for aid in a timely manor
- Maintain and conduct maintenance on ships assigned to or owned.
- Conduct one self in a professional manor
- Maintain and Enforce UEE Laws
- Provide assistance against criminal Organizations and outside threats

Infantry are expected to:
- Maintain and preform training as required by the UEE Charter
- Maintain and Enforce UEE Laws
- Provide assistance against criminal Organizations and outside threats