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November 4th 2015

Note from the Chairman
Infinity Battlescape

Note from the Chairman: Infinity Battlescape

Greetings Citizens,

I’m happy to announce that the space game renaissance is upon us! Joining the ranks of Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, No Man’s Sky, EVERSPACE (and others!) is now Infinity Battlescape, a new crowd-funded project from I-Novae Studios. As you know, I like to highlight awesome crowd funded projects that I think the Star Citizen community would be interested in… and Infinity Battlescape seems like the perfect candidate!

Infinity Battlescape intends to offer hundreds of players the chance to take part in a massive furball across a procedurally generated star system with seamless ground-to-space transitions! With Newtonian physics and support for community modding, this one looks like a real winner. Infinity Battlescape’s engine has been in development for quite a while and it’s very exciting that the team has now taken it beyond the tech demo stage into a crowd funding campaign. They’ve kicked off the campaign with a working prototype that looks, in a word, spectacular… so there’s plenty of gameplay footage to check out today!

If you’re interested in learning more about what looks to be another great space adventure, I encourage you to check out the Infinity Battlescape trailer (below) and their Kickstarter pledge page. And to the team behind the game, I’d like to say good luck… and thank you for helping bring space games back to the PC!

— Chris Roberts


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