Star Citizen backers have a need for speed! Sales of the Origin M50 and 350R have pushed us over the $28 million mark! At $28 million, you unlocked an entirely new starter ship, which we believe is going to significantly improve the Star Citizen experience:
We’re excited to get to work on the Mustang. As the next step in the process, the design team will turn the broad concept into a detailed set of specifications. Then those will go to one of our world-class concept artists for the first visuals. We’ll share that process with you as it happens!
For our next several stretch goals, we’re going to try something different. We are constantly asked where the additional money goes. Surely new mocap hardware or a new starship design doesn’t cost a million dollars. The answer is that the stretch goals are an example: one big thing we will be doing with some of the money. Every additional million means that we’re hiring additional artists and programmers, equipping the team with better development tools and increasing the size of the talented outsource groups being trusted with aspects of Star Citizen’s development. It means more actors and time for mocap studios, more reference for designers, greater variety in game characters, more options in clothing and armor and a large array of ship items and weapons.
Every dollar improves the project. That isn’t as sexy as spending large amounts of money on impressive, headline-grabbing stretch goals… but it means a significantly better game in the end. So, for the next several stretch goals, we’re going to leave you with the knowledge that the money goes to improving all aspects of Star Citizen’s development. Instead of specifying some new development goal, we’re going to add a new ship to the game as a reward.
The design team has imagined a new set of Star Citizen ships, one from each of our big manufacturers. Each ship will have a new role to play in the Star Citizen universe, and unlocking these stretch goals will make it possible to go ahead and start building them. Since the M50 and 350R got us to this point, we’re starting with the Origin Jumpworks design. After that, it’s going to be up to you: the $31 million stretch goal ship will be decided by the poll below!
I hope you enjoy hearing about these new ships and getting to have a say in what content we are adding to Star Citizen’s with your support!
As always, thank you for your continued enthusiasm and belief. Together we’re making something special!
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