TheStarFather was born to a rich family in the inner systems. As he grew older, he began to rebel against the lavish life style of his parents and eventually split from them completely and acquired a ship of his own.
From there he purchased a MISC Freelancer, Felicity, and started trading goods about the galaxy. He was always boisterous and a roaring drunk so when he offended a notorious pirate captain at port, the pirates tailed him from the bar with intent for revenge. The pirates crippled Felicity, leaving TheStarFather to look for work elsewhere.
After working as a barkeep for sometime, TheStarFather was able to buy a new Aurora named "Remembrance". From there he joined Invictum, and set out to make the galaxy a safer place. His financial savvy allowed him to raise funds for himself and Invictum. He used his small fortune acquired from Invictum to purchase an Anvil Carrack "Leifr Eiríksson" and a Retaliator Bomber "Aragorn's Lance" for Invictum and himself.