Mr Slashrot hails from a distant settlement on the exterior rim of Zeta 6, the planet is a dense organic thriving system with more than 200 Billion Citizens.
Piracy and death is rife in the life of the normal Citizen of this planet and is usually a daily occurrence to find the same cargo, parts, and the odd Cadaver being sold around each vendor like Hotcakes.
After leaving the family he came to know and love as his own he decided to leave and make good on a promise to his dear father and join the Core.
After the "Phenomenon Affair" and " The Uprising of 42" Captain Slashrot left the core looking for new fortunes, better rewards, salvageable ships and things of the like.
These days you can find Slashrot On Spec run's, Cargo Run's and Retaliation Missions of Importance or swapping stories of their run-ins with pirates with his fellow members from SKPMC.
Slashrot is For hire or for Services up and beyond any and all Curcumstances, as there is: No job too big no ship to small!