-Codename: ROTSCHART
-Location: Unknown
-Object class: Euclid
-Special Containment Procedures: Unknown
-Description: Codename Rotschart is the single survival subject of the UEE [REDACTED] project to create humans naturally capable of stealthly infiltrating Vanduul ships and installations. Capable for warfare both airborne and in the ground, subject also shows great cognitive abilities. Other registered abilities are [PURGED], [PURGED] and [PURGED], which were used escape UEE research facilities, resulting in [PURGED] casualties.
Subject has access to a great arsenal somehow and represents high thread. Reports shows hostility to the UEE, pirates, and vanduul. No reports on civilian incidents.
Its abilities are yet unknown/unperceivable by humans.
Aproach must be done with high caution or in large groups, especially for whose's armed.
Object's been reported doing security services for civilian in exchange for resources.
Retrieval of the subject alive will be highly rewarded.