Kidnapped younger brother of twin sister Peticolous Geosmin at 15 years of age, escape the pirate gang captors during a firefight with the local Goss System authorities. Pertrichor while captive discovered the pirate gang was involved with child human trafficking, he vowed to stop them, located their leader, and killed her at the pirate headquarters. Pertrichor freed the captive younger children, the older ones fought with him to exterminate the remaining gang. During the revolt the older children gravitated toward Pertrichor as a natural leader and they decided to form a pack to return all the rescued children to their families across know space,10 years later they completed their mission and established a base of operations within the terminator line, a narrow habitable band on the small tidally-locked planet Serling-Horus System. After a short enlistment with the U.E.E.’s elite forces Strategic Military Services (S.M.S) at age 26, the war veteran Pertrichor become a hardened bounty hunter and mercenary.