L337Pete was a known hacker and smuggler out of GrimHex. Suspected to be Capt. Peter Gains, a PoW UEE fighter pilot. He is now the pilot of the MSR "Cipher Corvus” which has been linked to many cyber attacks on CruSec installations. Suspected crimes include comms interference, hacking criminal records, and theft of contraband. Gaining the attention of Mendo Ren after single-handedly smuggling 10 Million UEC of Maze from JumpTown he was placed under the command of Lt. Nolan Acker(KIA), last seen with L337Pete(MIA) during a 9Tails Orison occupation just before the CDF downed a 9Tails Hammerhead and attempted to assassinate Mendo Ren(MIA) ending the occupation. ERROR!: Data Encrypted...
Data Recovery Started…
Cod* N*me: Aril Blue
Underc*ver ***** 9Tails **** ****** success*ul infiltrat*on **** Comm Ar*ay ST2-76: intel do*nload suc*e*sful **** ** ***** cr*me stat clear*d. *** Admin Pl*tform **** M*ndo Ren *** ****** Ham*erH**d ****** ** *** ***** r*cov*ry m*ssi*n ****** su**es*f*l.
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