Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Welcome to our official Star Citizen Page. Feel free to browse, and visit our Discord Chat and other social media sites for Recruitment opportunities.

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Just as our ancestors sailed the open seas, we now set our sails in the ocean of stars. We have grown from our ancient roots but do not forget our traditions and religion. Instead, we have intertwined our beliefs with science and forged our own pathways through the stars. For too long, we have been a people scattered among the cosmos. Now, we must band together to rightfully claim the stars our forefathers once looked to for guidance. Our vessels may have changed but the souls within them have not. We are mighty and will reign once again throughout our lands.


VIKCORP is a for hire Corporation. That being said, we dabble in just about anything and everything that involves credits. Cargo Transportation, VIP protection, Mining operations, Refueling systems, Bounty hunting, smuggling, etc., the list goes on. VIKCORP will travel anywhere and everywhere as long as the credits are right.

We live our lives in accordance with the Nine Nobel Virtues:

Courage : Mastery of your fears in mind and spirit.

Discipline : Self-control and training that produces moral/mental improvement.

Fidelity : Loyalty, devotion, to self honesty, to your virtues.

Honor : Self-esteem made visible by action, personal integrity, respect.

Hospitality: Courteousness, kindness.

Industriousness : Productiveness

Perseverance : Persist in a purpose, idea or task in the face of adversity.

Self Reliance: Independence, self sufficiency, faith in self.

Truth : Seek truth and personal honesty.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


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