Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Forgotten Wingman's Guild / TFWG

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It’s not a thing to be waited for – it is a thing to be achieved. – William Jennings Bryan


The Forgotten Wingman’s Guild was formed in the year 2822 after the tyrannical communist belonging to the “Pioneers” had successfully infiltrated and destroyed the pioneer’s community from the inside. The Forgotten Wingman’s Guild was formed in a time of war against the Xeno Threat in response to the pioneers failing to successfully help the UEE Navy defend against the assault. We TFWG grew and vanquished the Xeno After the Battle we retired to Microtech and established it as our center of operations. TFWG is now resting and recuperating our resources during Jumptown and Nine Tails. During this time of peace, we are looking for more people to join our guild and expand our reach to those looking for sanctuary from other tyrannical organizations.

-Bigbassman45, Founder


We stand together with a common goal of helping each other achieve what wouldn’t be possible alone. We are a commanding force in large-scale events and have the resources to match our skills. We are a peaceful organization with no malice or ill intent to anyone.. but be warned. We fight as one with the savageness and brutality of our common enemy Xeno. We fight as one with the coordination and effectiveness of the UEE Navy. We will vanquish you if you drag us from peace. For now, TFWG will continue to grow across Stanton. Our Current home planet is Microtech as we have long ties with the people of New Babbage.

We are currently accepting applications for TFWG. We are selective on who is in our guild and we are not some org that just accepts everyone. There will be a casual interview where you will play with us as we get to know you better. During this time we will test your skills across varying fields.

This being said, we love new pilots and are very new player-friendly. We have a vast pool of knowledge to answer almost any question both regarding the game and or workarounds for bugs and glitches.

Don’t hesitate to apply, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. o7

-Bigbassman45, Founder


These Rules and Procedures are simple guidelines, they are subject to amendment by either the Founder or the standing president of the Road Captains.
These rules stand as a guide for leaders of the guild to carry out the punishment.
-Punishment severity will be decided on trial by the leading party in the case.

  • Thou shall not Murder another guild member out of anger without consent.
  • Thou shall not steal another guild member’s ship without consent.
  • Thou shall not destroy or intentionally lose another guild member’s items or resources.
  • Thou shall not conduct oneself in a way the guild would not formally conduct as a unit. ie- No griefing, abusing, or harassing any innocent player in the verse
  • Thou accepts the general rule of liability, any actions you take you are responsible for.

These rules are subject to reference and can be used in any altercation. Bear in mind that issues can be solved without the involvement of a president or vice president by UEC compensation or any type of compensation that can be agreed upon.

If this agreement cannot be met then it will go to a superior that will decide the correct compensation. If the defendant is found guilty and doesn’t produce payment within a week of the decision then they will be subject to rank change, probation, or removal from the organization.

-Bigbassman45, Founder


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