Rising Phoenix EMS / RPMED

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Rising Phoenix EMS Introduction:

What is the Rising Phoenix?

We are a Private Medical Organization dedicated to providing the professionalism and skill the people deserve in emergency medicine. We perform life-saving treatment in the prehospital setting, transport to definitive care, and community outreach. Our mission first and foremost mission is and always will be to save lives, no if and’s or but’s about it. Established in February of 2952 at the petition of our CEO Skye Eldingarheim, the UEEEMA (United Earth Empire Emergency Management Agency) granted our organization the ability to operate within its borders operating within our defined doctrine. Under its umbrella, we contract ourselves onto UEE and civilian fleets as needed to further humanitarian requests.

What Do We Do?

Rising Phoenix prides itself on prehospital care and transport of the sick and injured. To accomplish this mission, we spare no expense to protect life regardless of race, gender, or creed. We train professional medics, 911 operators, security, and logisticians to allow us to perform at the highest levels. The most common 911 calls we receive are to space-bound wrecks, however, we also offer services for those who are engaged in combat and need life-saving care. RP operates a state-of-the-art fleet of ships that lets us handle the most daring of tasks, of these ships there are the; RSI Apollo, Cutlass Red, Endeavor Hope, Starfarer, Kraken, and much more! RP Operates independently, however, we do outreach as well, making connections with other private/public organizations and government agencies, training and bringing the practitioners of medicine closer together into one cohesive community.

What Do We Offer?

Here at RPEMS we offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Our sliding pay scale based on levels of certification and experience rewards medics for not only saving lives but for gaining the knowledge necessary to represent the organization as the best in pre-hospital care. As you gain experience within the organization or perhaps transferred from a close affiliate, we offer leadership positions where you have the ability to test your limits and those under your office. You will run point on every callout from the simplest of rescues to high-stakes combat missions. You can manage groups of units or entire branches. We’re not just medics though, we offer positions for those who do not wish to participate in direct life-saving care but who want to help those who do. Security personnel goes out on every call, and logisticians ensure assets are in position for when we need them as well as keeping the organization nearly entirely self-funded.

Why Choose Us?

Our work speaks for itself! We consistently operate at a high level to ensure patient, and employee safety is our highest priority. We are professionals, no if, and, or buts about it. To make sure that client satisfaction is at its highest we only employ those ready to take on the world while maintaining a competent demeanor. Any incidents are investigated and handled according to the facts and are resolved. Our employees are our family, and your safety, and happiness are of paramount importance. There is no contract, and you can retire as you wish, and welcome back when you desire. There are no activity requirements, and you can be as much or as little involved as you wish. Everyone here looks out for one another, and as such you will have a community in-house, and in-network to rely on when you need it the most.


Here at Rising Phoenix Medical, we believe everyone has the right to expert, safe medical care. Wars will rage on, people will take sides, but RPMS takes none, in other words, we are neutral. When a major battle is expected, expect us to be there supporting both sides with the search and rescue of personnel. being a PMMC, we also need to be paid, so whoever pays, of course, gets our concierge package, meaning priority rescue, security, and logistics support. If no one pays, both sides get equal treatment and evacuations. This ensures fairness to our customers and our members.


Mission Statement And Charter

Mission Statement

Rising Phoenix Strives to provide medical and logistical services to the citizens of the Milky Way. Be a pioneer in medicine, develop new techniques, and strive for excellence. Just as we take care of those around us, we also help our members with leadership opportunities, fair compensation, and equal voices.

Organization Charter

Rising Phoenix is a medical and logistical support auxiliary component to the UEE public services system. It will adhere to all Geneva Conventions set forth by the Senate and remain in lawful good standing with the UEE and its affiliates. It will provide nondiscriminatory timely medical services to all injured persons regardless of their criminal or non-criminal history, race, species, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

When requested by UEE components, or public organizations, it has the ability to provide logistical support. It shall transport or provide physical or digital assets from an origin point to its requested destination. It will not trade in UEE military hardware unless authorized by the Senate. It will not transport intelligent lifeforms without their expressed consent.
It has the right to defend itself against any and all threats to its members or UEE citizens. Rising Phoenix does not have the authority to forcibly take and hold land not owned by UEE or affiliates. It does not have the ability to speak for UEE or operate in ambassadorial functions that are not within the organization’s scope of authority.

Rising Phoenix has successfully upheld this mandate when the UEE, citizens, and affiliates of UEE are holding it in good standing. While in good standing, it will receive Senate-approved funds to support the mission mandated.