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Roleplay Contact List / RPCL

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

This is a Work in Progress contact list for anyone and everyone who is legitimately interested in roleplay within the PU.

The purpose is so you can find other roleplayers and begin to organize events and find friends and rivals.

The recruitment thread is (here)


Our history was born with a single idea of having all Star Citizen roleplayers be able to recognize, interact with, and befriend each other. Ever since then a handful of brave volunteers have stepped up to try and make it happen.


The screen flickers. On display, an antiquated video begins to play.

The camera turns to a wooden door. It swings open to reveal a man in a suit, smiling as he enters the room. He sits down at a desk and greets the viewers,

“Hello there, and welcome to RPCL! My name is Michael. For those of you wondering, ‘Hey Michael, have you ever wondered what an Emu tastes like?’ To that answer, I say ‘please put down the acid, and go to bed!’” He chuckles, “But seriously, you are probably wondering what RPCL is.”

RPCL, or Role Playing Contact List, is an organization for players to find other players or orgs to RP with, chat, or plan fun events. Founded in 2945 by Lavender and mediaflare, the members of RPCL, and other like-minded individuals, noticed that it was difficult for players to find RP orgs using the search options, or the lack of RP orgs in general.”

Michael stands up and circles his desk, “RPCL was founded shortly thereafter, and we’ve been striving to make friends, help players find each other and orgs, and have fun telling our stories!”

The scene changes to a marketplace, several pilots talking to each other. Michael continues, “If you are interested in finding players to RP with, find an org to join, you can start right here! RPCL is only an organization in title, and there are no requirements or restrictions to your joining. You can join as many other orgs as you want, and have something else as your main, while utilizing us as, well, a contact list, for RP friends.”

Music starts to fade in, and the camera begins to zoom out, “So come join RPCL, and we’ll see you in the ‘verse!”

End of Video


The Org does have a few, easy to follow rules that we expect all members to follow.

1. Play nice with other members, we’re here for fun after all! That means to not interrupt or troll people that are roleplaying (this will result in immediate removal from the contact list).
2. This org is for finding RP friends ONLY. No advertising external sources or spamming.
3. Have fun! That’s the big goal here, let’s share some great stories and meet some friends!

Please visit if you want more information!