Welcome to ReddFaction’s Organization page, new recruits are welcome, for more information you can visit:
ReddFaction was born from Reddit over 2 years ago. Founded on the principle that all people should be able to play and work together, the Faction has been growing steadily since its inception. New Member Organizations, and dedicated individuals have worked hard to keep the Faction improving, and we are looking to the future, for more growth and continuous betterment, for all members. Founder, /u/forevermoore
Current ReddFaction Member Organizations Include:
cReddit Interstellar Directorate
Independent Exploration Conglomerate
Utter Pirates Transportation and Escort Company
ReddFaction Broadcasting Company
If your organization is interested in joining ReddFaction, please apply here
i. The Goals of ReddFaction
1. To be a fun organization, respectful of our Reddit origins, with a large presence in Star Citizen.
2. To bring together all playstyles and use them to work together for the advancement of the Faction.
3. To carve a niche in the universe, both in and out of game.
4. To be a force either feared or respected by every citizen of the Star Citizen universe.
ii. The Actions of ReddFaction
1. ReddFaction will hold its citizens rights in high regard and will look for similar mentalities in organizations it has positive relations with.
2. ReddFaction will not tolerate racism, sexism, or other such closed minded idealisms. Organizations that endorse such actions will be enemies of the Faction.
3. ReddFaction will not respect one religion over another, and members may freely practice as they wish, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of another.
4. ReddFaction will not respect one nationality over another, all members are equal within the faction.
We the citizens of ReddFaction, in order to form a lasting alliance, establish influence, insure domestic civility, provide for the mutual defense, promote the material fortune, and secure the benefits of unity to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this charter for ReddFaction.
ReddFaction: This is the whole alliance. We are ReddFaction.
Redd: ReddFaction General Body. A Member Organization formed from those who have the RSI Spectrum ID REDD as their main membership.
Parliament: This is the alliance authority that decide the alliance direction
Member Organization: This is an organization that has agreed to the rules of this charter and has been granted full membership by the Parliament.
Applicant Organization: This is an organization that has agreed to the rules of this charter but has not been granted full membership by the Parliament.
Parliament is the highest governing body of ReddFaction. Parliament consists of delegates from the various Member Organizations and is tasked with upholding the Charter of ReddFaction.
Unless expressed otherwise, all rights, authority, and powers exist at the discretion of Parliament, in accordance with the rules provided herein.
Each Member Organization delegate (or their proxy) is afforded votes based upon the following:
0 votes: 1-9 main members
1 vote: 10 – 49 main members
2 votes: 50 – 149 main members
3 votes: 150 – 299 main members
4 votes: 300 – 499 main members
5 votes: 500+ main members
Census: Each Member Organization will have their votes allocated via random census takings, occurring at least once every two weeks, conducted by the Parliament (or designated body). Each Member Organization’s vote tally is determined by the average of the previous months census takings.
Motions: To bring a motion to vote, a MO Delegate must receive a second from a Delegate of a separate MO. The initiating Delegate will create a thread in the official leadership subreddit, the second will be confirmed, and the motion will be open for a vote for the period of 1 week on any vote requiring a simple majority, or a period of 2 weeks for a vote requiring a 2/3rds vote.
Tie Votes: In the event of a tie in a parliament vote, the side with more vote-eligible MOs carries the vote. If this is not sufficient to break the tie, the vote will be rescinded and the motion will be open for debate for no less than one week before being voted upon again.
ReddFaction General Body will be governed by a trio of equal leaders. The first is a citizen elected by the population of Redd, the second is the highest ranking member of ReddSquadron, and the third will be a leader appointed by parliament.
A Member Organization is a Star Citizen Organization that has agreed to the rules and authority of this charter and has a seat in Parliament. Member Organizations retain all rights and authority inherent to their existence.
An Applicant Organization is an Organization that has requested to join ReddFaction. To join they must submit an application to the Parliament (or designated body), agree to the laws and rules that govern ReddFaction, and has had their request approved for further consideration. In order to become a full Member Organization a 2/3rds vote must be attained in Parliament.
Any amendments to the ReddFaction Charter must be passed with a 2/3rds vote.
Quorum on all parliamentary votes is set at 2/3rds of eligible organizations participating in the vote.
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