Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Prometheus Exploration / PROEXP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Welcome to Prometheus Exploration.

We are a fleet of exploration ships that venture into the unknown.


Founded in the early days of Space Exploration,

Prometheus Exploration is an organization that travels to distant solar systems seeking knowledge and getting into contact with alien civilizations. There are many derelict planets that we explore that could have housed a civilization that died off eons ago. We go there to experience what happened to them. In short, we explore, seek answers and witness what no living thing has witnessed for thousands of years.

Of Course, throughout our explorations, we have sought out new civilizations advanced enough for space flight. We initiate diplomatic relations with them and provide a trade agreement or aid them in their cause if it is just and beneficial.


Prometheus Exploration is an organization where all members have the ability and chance to explore the endless confines of space.

Our primary goal is to explore systems that no man has gone before. Encounter civilizations older than ours, or, perhaps younger. Those that are worthy of Space Flight we will initiate contact and provide diplomatic relations hopefully leading to a trade agreement.

There will be planetary explorations as well. We will land on the planet and explore on a rover. Visit ruins long forgotten from time. See the history of the home we reside in. Seek answers. Truly, it’s an opportunity to go into space and time.

Being a part of the Prometheus family is an honour, here you will meet great new friends, travel together, having fun is our primary goal within the organization.

Meet the Crew!

Founder: R. Berezon
Co-Founder: L. Shepard


Status: Recruiting.

Credits to:
- All Prometheus Exploration members for being with us!
- L. Shepard for coming up with the name
- ErikShoeMaker for his fantastic banner art!


Prometheus Exploration abides by the legal confines of Galactic Law.

This Organization has its own set of rules for each and every member, a Code of Conduct.

1. Respect other organization members, especially the Officers. Conduct yourself maturely and responsibly.

2. Be civil with your fellow organization members, and others in the Star Citizen community. If there is a disagreement, the administration and moderation team is willing to mediate. If there is a disagreement with the administration and moderation team, address it privately with the team.

3. Maintain a disciplined attitude ingame and out of game. We do not need complete seriousness at all times, however we expect each member to not disrupt any other’s ability to play, be immersed, or conduct in-game activities.

4. Ensure that the public image of PROEXP is seen as a positive environment, with reasonable, mature members. Outside of the organization, should you represent us in any way (forum signature, clan tag, etc), be sure you conduct yourself in a way that fosters a positive public image.

5. PROEXP does not abide cheating, griefing, or trolling of any kind. There may sometimes be lighthearted teasing and banter, but if the other party asks for you to stop then you should take that as cue that you may be stepping beyond the bounds of friendly banter and cease your actions immediately.

6. Display of inappropriate material in any and all PROEXP communications is prohibited and will be dealt with swiftly.