Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Order of the Amaranthine Blade / ORDAMABLAD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Wherever humanity goes, so go we


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The Blades value peace, but we are not pacifists. We recognise that to achieve peace, you sometimes have to strike first, and strike hard. We value the rule of law, but recognise that the rule has limits which sometimes need to be pushed. We value independence and personal freedom, but also recognise that we have a collective responsibility to ensure those freedoms are protected and maintained.

Each blade follows their own path, seeking out their own truth. But when called for we will come together, to collaborate either peacefully or with force according to a situation’s needs.

We recognise the value of the individual, and respect the variety and diversity of humanity…and of species beyond our own. We do not act as a cult: we do not demand that all Blades look inwards within ourselves, but reach out to and work with others, to demonstrate the values that we hold dear, as an example of the balance that is needed to survive and prosper in this galaxy.

The Order aligns itself primarily with the following guilds:

The Academy of Science
The Mercenary Guild
The United Resource Workers Guild

The Order denounces the actions of The Council, and where necessary will take action to protect humanity against the actions of Order members and affiliates.

The Order welcomes new members who engage in all legal careers. We encourage our members to develop their own skillsets to better themselves, and to empower the Order to provide services, support and products to other citizens and civilians.


  • Under no circumstances will any members of the Order engage in any activities intended to cause real-world harm, whether physical, psychological or to the incomes or belongs of another person. Doxxing, physical and verbal abuse, damage to or theft of property, or any other behaviour deemed by the adminstration as unacceptable will result in immediate removal from the Order without appeal
  • Discrimination against persons on the basis of a protected characteristic as defined in UK law applies will also result in either: a limited period exclusion from events and a requirement to have a discussion with admin regarding behaviours, followed by a period of monitoring to demonstrate improved behaviours and remorse for the offending actions, or; immediate removal from the Order on the grounds of significant offensive behaviour. In addition to UK protected characteristics, this includes gender identity not covered by the protections that apply to transgender persons
  • Members shall not engage in activity that could be determined as griefing, including: repeatedly targeting specific individual players in an attempt to prevent them from engaging in any gameplay, outside of the normal behaviours that would legitimately fulfil a role or gameplay loop within the Persistent Universe (for example, chasing down an individual player who has not committed any act that would warrant a bounty); Instantly attacking all players who attempt to exit or enter a landing zone or other location without a legitimate game purpose such as a dynamic event, contract, or PvP activity between rival organisations (for example, shooting down every ship that leaves or enters Grim Hex unless there is a gameplay-related purpose such as stealing ships or loot). There must always be a legitimate gameplay outcome that is being sought out of any action
  • Members shall adhere to all Cloud Imperium Games’ terms and conditions for access to and engagement with the Persistent Universe