Frontier Salvage
Frontier Trade
Frontier Warriors
We have only been trading for two decades, which on the scale of the VERSE is just a blink.
With time we are expanding in the verse and increasing our staff of skilled technicians, traders and peacekeepers.
To provide the best services we can.
We started as freelance transporters, mainly dealing in raw materials used in ship construction.
Some transport routes were edgy at best, as most of our clients were on the fringes of most systems.
Once we had a stable income and contracts with our clients, we moved into salvage.
Mainly for our existing clients, we soon realized that this service brought in a very healthy income
if you’re prepared to get your hands dirty and along the way we have made many good contacts
within the ship parts/manufacturing sectors.
As our reputation and resources grew, repair and recovery of ships were the next sectors we moved
into as we had the contacts and suppliers needed for most vital ship components.
We started to receive huge intakes of freight, over very short periods of time so we created a sub org for trade.
This branch also took on mining and resource collecting as a secondary role.
Security was becoming a issue, as are organisation grew so did are troubles and in counters with outlaws and pirates.
To combat this we selected a hand picked group or veterans, ex soldiers to recruit and manage are security teams to protect all are in
house assets and citizens.
This group grew into its own entirety and broke down into its own organisation.
Currently we trade in most ship components new, used and refurbished.
As we have expanded, we have not lost our roots in the haulage industry.
We repair, reclaim, break and tow ships.
Salvage is still a large part of our organization and very lucrative.
Security services,scouting and peacekeeping helping to drive and protect are brand.
General freelancing, is still active in are ORG, it isn’t are main source
of income but is a large part of are ORGs history.
Frontier Industries Inc » FREE > SOCI
Frontier Salvage » ENGI > EXPO
Frontier Trade » TRAD > RESO
Frontier Warriors » SECU > SCOU
Compound Mercenary Core » BOUN > TRAD
Ventus Corporation » TRAN > FREE
Theseus » EXPL > INFI
Chat client:
Razer Comms
Username : XGrunt
Org Channels:
Frontier Industries Inc
Frontier Salvage
Frontier Trade
Frontier Warriors
Razer Community Channel:
When working away from home, food and accommodation, along with
some home comforts of course, will be covered.
As without good ships and equipment our ORG and members wouldn’t be able to work to the standard
We and our clients have become reliant on!
Corporate head
Backbone of the Frontier industries inc brand, Salvage, Trade and Warriors.
Supporting and guiding are sub orgs, drumming up trade, contracts and business partners.
Logistical and financial heads of Frontier industries inc.
Planet side development
Investing/developing outer rim colony’s, infrastructure , economy
and resources. self sustaining Eco-friendly long term benefits.
Community heath and safeguards
We offer all colony’s under are development peace of mind and hope.
As we are free from corruption and have pride in are investment and developments.
Are in house security org will keep you and community safe and help build stability.
We are in it with you for the long term.
If you have the tools and equipment to do the job,
Why turn down the work, good rep doesn’t build itself.
It’s the sector are ORG was built on and mastered.
Any rumors of this organization being influenced or controlled, in anyway by a Hal series AI are incorrect and just an error in primitive human processing.
Members will be expected to put some casual game time in to role play, with in the verse.
e.g Investment and development planet side, supporting and drumming up trade and contracts for are
sub Orgs!
Members will not directly engage in illegal activity.
e.g Attacking pilots or organizations for no reason, stealing cargo or any form of piracy.
Members will not bully, harass or antagonize other members or none members.
Apart from that just try and keep to the main sectors Frontier Industries Inc cover.
Freelance work in legit and legal sectors is encouraged!
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