Mithril Corps was originally founded in 2221 as a Manufacturing Company with the name “Mithril Electronics”. We did a few jobs on the “Artemis”-Project”, and made ourselves independent in 2276, five years after the Discovery of the first Jump Point.
With the technological advancements, we made a major change and became a private military company named “Mithril Solutions” that specializes in Exploration and Security.
After the first contact with the Banu, we added trading to our work list. In 2541, many of our Soldiers and mercenaries got hired for the battle of Idris IV, and under the command of Ivar Messer, our Victory was certain.
From 2546 to 2781, we were part of the Military of the UEE, the United Empire of the Earth. As the regime was about to fall apart, we split up and went again through major changes and became a trading company with the name “Mithril Exports”.
Many years after the start of the SynthWorld Project, in 2940, Mithril Exports went bankrupt after we lost nearly our whole fleet to Vanduul attacks.
Then in 2953 the Sons of the previous founders picked up the name again to create Mithril Corps. An Organization to ensure other’s safe travels. The recorded knowledge and history of previous ventures proved invaluable in creating an effective Service.
Contact details:
To be honest, the Mithril Corps isn’t big like some others, but that gives the advantage of knowing each other’s playstyle and using that knowledge to complete the Missions with great efficiency. Many of us are also Veterans of Space combat, escorting and securing.
Mission: self-sufficient supply and combat, bounty hunting, escort, engineering and exploration (finding jump holes, lost ships)
1. Play the game free from harassment or discrimination.
2. Be treated respectfully by fellow members.
1. Not harass members of the corporation.
2. Treat members of Mithril and allied Organizations with respect.
3. Do no harm to members, to their physical goods, investments, or reputation.
4. Obey all official commands of Mithril if within their means, without undue risk to their person, property, or life commitments.
5. To uphold all operational security measures of the PMC.
1. To be a fun organization, respectful with good working Teamwork.
2. To bring together all playstyles and use them to work together for the advancement of Mithril.
3. Take full advancement of the possibilities within the Star Citizen Universe.
2. Mithril Corps will not tolerate racism, sexism, or other such closed-minded idealisms.
3. Mithril Corps will not value one religion over another, and members may freely practice as they wish, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of another.
4. Mithril Corps will not value one nationality over another, all members are equal within Mithril Corps.
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