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The Inquisition / INQ

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Social

In the 30th Century A.D. the Inquisition is the most powerful organisation of the Imperium’s many branches. Its agents, the Inquisitors, command fear and respect in equal measure.


The History of the Inquisition

The Founding: after the Massacre of Garron II

The Ecclesiarchy watched the events of the Massacre at Garron II with horror. While the Ecclesiarchs had grown weary of the lecherous Messer line and had even tacitly supported the resistance movement, the involvement of the Xi’An caused a significant outrage in the halls of the great cathedrals of Earth. It was thus that during the reconstruction of the Empire and the redevelopment of the Imperial Court that the Ecclesiarchy approached the High Lords of Terra with their plans for an extra-military organization which could serve to protect both the people and the Empire, while preventing the meddling of outside species in the affairs of humanity. With the Empire on the brink of collapse the Lords of Terra saw the wisdom in the Ecclesiarchy’s proposal, understanding that the reformed Empire would struggle to survive without a strong hand like The Inquisition to support it and to work in the shadows to protect its interests. And so it came to pass that the Inquisition was born, situated outside of both the military and the government, acting under the authority of the Emperor, and dedicated to the protection of the Empire at any cost.


The Inquisition is immensely powerful, and the only individual that is exempt from its scrutiny is the Emperor himself. If he has good cause, an Inquisitor may demand any service from any Imperial citizen, up to and including the High Lords of Terra. The Adeptus Custodes who guard the Emperor’s palace and person are exempt from conscription, because their duty to the Emperor is clear and unchanging. When it comes to the Adeptus Astartes, Inquisitors often show some discretion, as PMC’s are often willing to come to blood over any infringement on their Emperor-granted autonomy. However, not even the Adeptus Astartes are immune from the Inquisition’s scrutiny and justice, and entire worlds have been destroyed in order to cleanse them if they were deemed traitorous.

Inquisitorial Purview

Inquisitors also have absolute power to judge and execute supposed heretics, mutants, unsanctioned or rogue psykers and the like, with no appeal save the intervention of another Inquisitor. Practically, all possible verdicts are death sentences, although the means by which they are achieved differ. Traitors, the worst grade of offenders, are considered irredeemable and will be quickly executed. Heretics may be redeemed, often after considerable amounts of torture, and may receive absolution through death in service to the Imperium. Certain traitors deemed useful to the Inquisition may in extremely rare cases be mind-scrubbed, their old memories and identity erased and replaced with one loyal to the Inquisition. If it is beyond their means to track down and kill a particular individual or organization, an Inquisitor can simply declare the offending entity Excommunicate Traitoris, stripping them of whatever rights they may have had and as such marking them as a target fit for extermination by any and all loyal servants of the Emperor.


Why an Inquisition?

The Inquisition was founded by the Ecclesiarchy under the authority of the High Lords of Terra in response to growing threats to the Empire from without and within.


It is no secret that the Empire is surrounded by Xeno polities. Some are openly hostile, such as the marauding Vanduul. Others are more enigmatic, like the Xi’An. Humanity’s introduction to interstellar warfare at the hands of the Tevarin has not been forgotten, and the Empire remains vigilant to the threat of Xeno civilizations. While the UEE Military is the primary organization tasked with defending the Empire from Xeno factions, The Inquisition plays an important role, acting as a scalpel to the military’s hammer. Inquisitorial task forces perform warfare roles traditionally described as asymmetrical.


Not all who live within the borders of the UEE give proper obeisance to their Emperor. Some even turn their backs on Him in pursuit of false gods and heretical doctrine. These individuals represent a grave threat to the future of humanity, and they must be purged for the benefit of the good and faithful. By eliminating heresy wherever they find it, Inquisitors ensure the strength of the Empire and of humanity itself in the face of the grave threat posed by its enemies.

Our Purpose

We strive to uphold the Empire by defending it through the principles illuminated in our Charter. We seek to prevent the Xeno from enslaving the human race and dismantling the Empire which we have so painstakingly built through blood, sweat, and tears. We work to punish the heretic and infidel that humanity may remain strong in the face of her many enemies. We operate as a brotherhood, men and women united by bonds of shared faith and of blood spilled amongst the same stars. All members of our Order are honored as befits agents of the Emperor Himself and live only to serve the Empire and each other. In doing so we build in fortune and strength each individual, the Order, and Empire itself.


By the Order of the High Lords of Terra and in the name of the Emperor.

Beset on all sides by Xenos, terrorized within by Heretics and Blasphemers, the Ecclesiarchy of the God Emperor has seen fit to declare a Holy Inquisition to last in perpetuity.

This Inquisition shall henceforth be commissioned with rights and powers exceeding all branches of the UEE Military and Government, beholden only to the Emperor and to the High Lords of Terra.

Inquisitorial Ranks and Duties

Disciples are initiates into the methods and practices of the Inquisition. Disciples are not yet considered Inquisitors in the proper sense, and have rights and responsibilities of lesser nature in accordance with this fact. Disciples are considered to be under review by their superiors until such time as the Inquisitorial Master finds their faith and diligence worthy of increased stature.

Adepts are those individuals who have demonstrated piety and skill in equal measure, and have earned the full rights of an Inquisitor under the Inquisitorial Charter. Adepts are considered to be Inquisitors proper when referring to the rights and responsibilities listed in the Charter.

Masters are Inquisitors of particular skill who have demonstrated leadership and faith beyond the call of the Order. These individuals are given tasks of significant importance and are allowed a greater degree of autonomy. However, their responsibilities also increase in equal measure to reflect the trust placed in them.

Grandmasters of the Inquisition are some of the most accomplished and skilled Inquisitors in the Order. These individuals are given considerable autonomy to act in the name of the Inquisition and as a result are called upon to make sacrifices for the good of the Order.

Inquisitor Lords are individuals of unshakeable faith, fervent in their call to duty. They demonstrate incomparable loyalty, and act in the name of the Holy Inquisition whenever they are not specifically called upon by the Inquisitorial Master.

The Inquisitorial Master is a singular individual blessed with truly exceptional conviction and zealous faith. Acting in the name of the God Emperor, the Inquisitorial Master directs the Inquisition as an extension of His will.

Inquisitorial Roles

The Inquisition shall provide for its needs by assigning members to roles which they may fulfill in accordance with the Order’s Charter and the wishes of the Inquisitorial Master.

Evangelists are tasked with spreading word of the Order. These individuals speak on behalf of the Inquisition and inform Imperial citizens of their call to the defense of the Faith.

Missionaries are those individuals who possess the right to induct new Disciples into the ranks of the Faithful. These Inquisitors possess judgment and wisdom in accordance with their duties.

Elders possess immense knowledge and skill and are responsible for leading by example, demonstrating consistently and thoroughly their adamantine faith in the Emperor.

Prophets are those extremely rare individuals whom the Emperor has chosen as vessels for His words. They speak the Will of the Emperor, their very breath a flame to the darkness of the infidel and the heretic.

Rights of the Inquisition and its Agents.

I. All Inquisitors shall hold sufficient authority to intervene and interpose on any conflict, transaction, or interaction taking place within the Imperial border.

II. All Inquisitors shall have authority to pursue any Inquisitorial investigation beyond Imperial borders into the realms of the Xenos, and to act against or in conjunction with Xeno-governments using whatever means the Inquisitor shall deem necessary.

III. All Inquisitors are eligible to receive Letters of Marque, special commendations from the Inquisition signed by the High Lords of Terra, which allow them full authority to search, seize, or destroy any vessel not under the protection of The Inquisition.

IV. All Inquisitors have the right to work under contract for any entity so long as it does not stand in conflict with The Inquisition nor work against its interests.

V. All Inquisitors have the right to speak candidly with their immediate superiors and to request audiences with Grandmasters, Lords, or even the Inquisitorial Master himself.

VI. All Inquisitors may expect the aid and defense of their fellows in any reasonable conflict or engagement.

VII. All Inquisitors have the right to refuse participation in Acts of Reprisal by holders of Letters of Marque unless they seek to earn Letters of Marque themselves.

VIII. Masters, Grandmasters, and Lords may speak in Council with the Inquisitorial Master regarding subordinates, including recommendations for advancement in the Order.

IX. Masters, Grandmasters, and Lords are able to call subordinates to the tasks of the Inquisition. These tasks must serve the interests of the Order and the Charter, and cannot be called merely to satisfy vanity or selfish desire.

X. Grandmasters and Lords are able to summon Inquisitorial forces for conflicts against heretics, blasphemers, and Xenos, so long as these conflicts arise in defense of The Inquisition and its tenets.

XI. Inquisitor Lords and the Inquisitorial Master may grant Letters of Marque, Commendations of Valour (for skill and bravery in battle), and Commendations of Faith (for actions benefitting the Order).

XII. Only the Inquisitorial Master may issue a Declaration of War, a Declaration of Penance, or a Declaration of Clemency.

Responsibilities of Inquisitors under the Charter

I. All Inquisitors shall be responsible for their actions under the Charter and shall uphold the Charter to their last breath.

II. All Inquisitors shall solemnly vow to never act against The Inquisition, the Charter, or their fellow Inquisitors, lest they receive a Declaration of Penance.

III. All Inquisitors shall vow to carry out Acts of Penance against traitors when called upon to do so by the Inquisitorial Master.

IV. All Inquisitors shall vow to participate in the acts of the Inquisition when able, and to work for the commonwealth of the Order at all times.

V. When calling subordinates to action all Masters, Grandmasters, and Lords shall be responsible for the actions of those subordinates.

VI. All Masters, Grandmasters, and Lords are responsible for knowledge of the Charter and Order’s Manifesto, and for fostering knowledge of the The Inquisition’s Holy Mission amongst the Order.

VII. All Masters, Grandmasters, and Lords are responsible for watching over subordinates and developing them in the best interests of the Order.

VIII. All Grandmasters and Lords are responsible for helping to maintain the efficacy of The Inquisition by any means necessary, and must make all reasonable efforts to do so.

IX. All Inquisitor Lords are responsible for acting on the wishes of the Inquisitorial Master and to ensure that his will, in accordance with the Charter, is carried out.

X. The Inquisitorial Master must answer to the Emperor Himself for all of his actions, and must uphold the Charter at all times as the Leader of The Inquisition.