Ghost Haven / GHOSTHAVEN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Ghost Haven

join the discord above



The History of ‘Ghost Haven’.

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History JaegerShield Era 2947-2948 Founded in 2947 by Kazper near Levski; the organization originally provided a general service to the private security sector. Originally code-named: JaegerShield, the main activities of this organization included research & development of experimental shields, and weapons, as well as ship prototypes.

Late in the year 2948, the Levski headquarters were abandoned due to “unforeseen consequences”.

During a relocation to ArcCorp’s Area 18 from Levski, JaegerShield lost all of its personnel and cargo to a Vanduul pirate raid. Having lost all of its research and technology, and any hope of re-establishing itself as a R&D company, the founder Kazper, being the only survivor of the Vanduul onslaught continued on to Area 18 where he began plans to reestablish his organization with the primary focus of hunting down criminals of the verse and bringing much needed services to the citizens of the universe. While living in Area 18 Kazper met Dredius, a member of an underground bounty hunting organization known as Division 3. Deciding that their skills complemented each other well, they formed the organization that is now known as ‘Ghost Haven’.

Ghost Haven 2948-present After reestablishment in late 2948, Ghost Haven has become a multi service organization providing services to citizens, and government bodies alike. Ghost Haven has divisions for bounty hunting, exploration expeditions, delivery services, transport services, as well as industrial services. Ghost Havens current headquarters is located in Area 18’s business tower. It is currently actively recruiting new members to join its ranks as it expands its roles and establishes its self as one of the premier organizations in the universe.

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The Real: Why?

We established this organization, to create a community of active Star Citizen players who are good Samaritans. Of course, anyone who enjoys roaming the ‘verse’ is more than welcome to join our discord server. With our love for Sci-fi video games, pilot sims, space exploration, this game seemed like a perfect fit for the both of us. Now, here we are a handful of months later, and we’re enjoying every minute of the ‘Verse’. We treat all members of Ghost Haven as equals, friends and family. Our main mission is to hunt down active grievers, pirates. We are trying to establish Ghost Haven, as one of the best “Anti-Grief” Organizations out there.

When we aren’t dog-fighting other pilots, our regular day-to-day activities include everything from:

  • Delivery Missions
  • Bounty Missions
  • Mercenary Contracts
  • Escorts
  • General Combat Assistance
  • Mining Expeditions
  • Exploration Expeditions
  • Private Investigations

Ghost Haven, does it all! Find your next space profession, and come enjoy the cosmos with us.

We had significant growth since we’ve started, we are hopeful for our future.


Some More Information

Ghost Haven strives to uphold the strength and integrity of it’s Code of Conduct listed in the Charter section.

For in-depth information on the organization, meet our recruiter in-game at G-Loc Bar, Area-18, Stanton III (ArcCorp). Join the Ghost Haven discord to learn more about the organization and talk to some of our members, OR if you’re just looking for an active community of Citizens to roam the verse with. Our Discord link is available at the top of our organization page. The link will only allow for the next 25 people to join, to reduce spam, after which we will re-establish another link.


Our Code of Conduct

  • Be active In-Game
    We understand that some of us have lives outside of Star Citizen. Just do your best to stay active if you’re a member of the Organization.
  • Absolutely NO IRL racial prejudice, political talk, serious harassment (of any kind)
    This goes without saying. Evidence must be included for the altercation. Any members who engage in such behavior are BANNED without question.
  • Always be courteous towards other races
    Let’s all show each-other some respect. What goes around, comes around.
  • Do not harm innocent bystanders
    Don’t harm anyone not involved, or who is innocent.
  • Absolutely no jobs that ruin the reputation of the organization
    No members shall participate in activities that ruin the reputation of the organization. If a member is unsure about an activity please report it to your superior.
  • Always fight against injustice
    Members, it is your duty to fight injustice and uphold peace throughout the universe.

As a member of the Ghost Haven, you agree to abide by this code of conduct. Breaking these rules as a member could result in your termination from the organization. Depending on the severity of the offense, the offender could be banned and blacklisted from joining the organization in the forseeable future.

If you suspect anyone in the organization to be breaking any of these rules, report them to a Ghost Officer or your Superior.


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