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  • Faith
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  • Engineering

“Unity among the stars, prosperity for the people.”


The People’s Star Collective traces its origins to the tumultuous early years of humanity’s expansion into the stars. In the wake of Earth’s Great Corporate Consolidation, factions of disillusioned workers and idealists sought to rekindle the egalitarian principles of Earth’s lost revolutionary movements. Among them was the visionary Wei Zhong, a historian and activist inspired by the Communist China of Earth’s past. Wei envisioned a future where the collective good triumphed over individual greed, and this vision laid the foundation for the Collective.

The organization formally emerged in the Stanton system during the mid-29th century, gaining momentum among marginalized colonists and laborers crushed under the weight of megacorporate exploitation. Over time, the People’s Star Collective established itself as a resilient force, operating through underground networks and community-driven initiatives. They provided education, medical aid, and mutual defense to the downtrodden, spreading their influence to nearby systems.

Despite frequent clashes with the United Empire of Earth (UEE) and corporate forces, the Collective’s ideals endured, earning them a reputation as champions of the common people. Today, they continue to expand their reach, building a coalition of starfarers committed to their cause.


該組織於 29 世紀中葉在斯坦頓體系中正式出現,在被大企業剝削重壓的邊緣化殖民者和勞工中獲得了發展勢頭。隨著時間的推移,人民之星集體將自己打造為一支有彈性的力量,透過地下網路和社區驅動的舉措開展運作。他們為受壓迫者提供教育、醫療援助和共同防禦,將影響力傳播到附近的系統。

儘管與地球聯合帝國 (UEE) 和企業勢力經常發生衝突,但該集體的理想經久不衰,為他們贏得了普通人民捍衛者的聲譽。如今,他們繼續擴大影響力,建立了一個致力於他們事業的星際旅行者聯盟。


The People’s Star Collective stands for:

Equality for All: Every citizen, regardless of origin or wealth, has the right to live with dignity and security.

Shared Prosperity: Resources and opportunities should be distributed equitably, prioritizing the needs of the many over the greed of the few.

Unity Through Cooperation: The strength of humanity lies in collective action, where each individual contributes to the greater good.

Resistance Against Oppression: We oppose the exploitation of workers, the destruction of ecosystems, and the domination of corporate and imperial powers.

Education and Enlightenment: Knowledge is the cornerstone of progress. We strive to empower all with the tools to shape their own futures.

A Future Without Borders: The stars belong to all of humanity, not to a select few. We envision a galaxy free from imperial control and corporate monopolies.










1. Purpose

The People’s Star Collective exists to unify the oppressed and build an interstellar society rooted in equality, justice, and mutual aid.

2. Membership

Membership is open to all who share our vision and commit to upholding the Collective’s principles.

Members pledge to contribute to the common good, whether through labor, resources, or expertise.

3. Governance

The Collective is led by a democratic council, elected by its members, with all major decisions subject to a collective vote.

Local cells retain autonomy but must adhere to the core values and directives of the Collective.

4. Code of Conduct

Members shall act with integrity, placing the welfare of the community above personal gain.

Acts of oppression, exploitation, or violence against innocents are strictly prohibited.

5. Initiatives

Provide aid to disenfranchised populations, including medical support, food, and education.

Establish safe havens and resource-sharing hubs across the galaxy.

Organize efforts to resist oppressive forces through diplomacy, activism, and, when necessary, defense.

6. Symbolism

The Cruz Lux Long Neck of the Collective represents unity, sacrifice, and hope.

Its five points symbolize labor, education, justice, resistance, and harmony.

1. 目的


2. 會員資格



3. 治理



4. 行為準則



5. 倡議




6. 象徵主義

Cruz Lux 集體長頸代表團結、犧牲和希望。
