Faeros Collective / FAEROS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security


2022 : Faeros Solar is registered as a global energy trading organization.

2025 : Researchers at Faeros Solar develop a new solar panel that can withstand extremely high temperatures while absorbing even more solar power, redefining the solar power Industry.

2027 : After only 5 years in the industry, Faeros Solar released an IPO and became a publicly traded company under the name of Faeros Enterprises.

2063 : Faeros Enterprises researchers develop a Solar Farm concept that increases energy yield as much as 250%. Application of the concept proven to be impossible due to the distance of earth from the sun. The project is archived for potential future application.

2075 : The invention of the quantum drive brings the possibility of the Solar Farm back to the table. Faeros Enterprises enters into negotiations with RSI to setup the first known solar farm dubbed Sol Alpha I.

2076 : Sol Alpha I construction completed and testing begins with the new solar farming method.

2076 : Primary heat shield fail at Sol Alpha I, resulting in major explosions. Multiple casualties occur. RSI rescue the remaining crew and the facility is lost. Engineers at Faeros Enterprises begin work on a new Heat Shield.

2082 : Faeros Enterprises engineers develop a new heat shield concept and RSI is contacted to facilitate the creation of a second solar farm. Sol Alpha II is constructed and planned to run for a 10 year period to allow for specialist to identify safety, profitability and sustainability of the project.

2092 : The results from Sol Alpha II show a projected income of 350% over a 10 year period. Sol Alpha II is expanded to 200% its size and renamed to Sol Alpha III.

2102 : 10 year trial period at Sol Alpha III ends, Faeros Enterprises received a 1400% increase on their stock value, marking them as the wealthiest solar farming organization in human history.

2125 : Faeros Enterprises’ involvement with the Mars Terraforming project brought down stock value after the fatal events. Faeros Enterprises struggle to regain market dominance for the following years.

2176 : Mars receives a reliable energy supply from Faeros Enterprises. Faeros Enterprises stock stabilize as power on mars steadies.

2240 : Many ships from the Faeros Enterprises transport fleet were vanishing near what would soon be known as the Neso Triangle. Faeros Enterprises closed down the route and all records of the event are sealed.

2342 : Countries on earth struggle to maintain themselves in the dawn of the impending space age. Faeros Enterprises capitalizes by avoiding taxes as rumors of merging countries arises. Faeros stocks rise by 150%.

2460 : Sol Alpha III farming capacity increased by 350% and renamed to Sol Alpha IV

2507 : Sol Alpha IV raided by pirates. Massive losses sustained in both personnel and machinery. Rival organizations purchase star space and begin construction on competitive solar farms. Faeros Enterprises loses its monopoly over Sol airspace.

2546 : Loss of monopoly results in major financial strain for Faeros Enterprises.

2589 : Faeros Enterprises funds a mission to Orion resulting in the discovery of Orion Delta 366.

2603 : Faeros Enterprises finishes work on the Orion Delta 366 facility. Faeros Enterprises profits skyrocket, stocks increase tenfold and develops a monopoly over the new Orion Delta system.

2632 : Faeros Enterprises reestablishes Sol Alpha IV. Once again becoming the main energy provider in the Solar System.

2679 : Distress call from the forward Orion Delta 366 facility. Audio evidence pointed towards a hostile presence. Faeros Enterprises most valuable mining base was raided. Communications quickly ceased.

2680 : Radio silence to Orion Delta 366 was broken. Attempts to communicate resulted in a complete and utter communication breakdown. Later investigation could not match the voices to any known species. Orion Delta 366 was considered a write off and all records of facility were sealed.

2681 : Reports of raids in the Orion System and other fringe worlds brought about the discovery of the Vanduul species, A direct threat to the infrastructure of Faeros Enterprises.

2684 : Faroes Enterprises suffers from countless raids on forward facilities. Competition pulls out of all hostile sectors. UEE unable to assist fringe systems. Faeros Enterprises starts plans to defend their facilities.

2685 : Faeros Militia gets established to protect it’s mining facilities. Faeros Militia and Enterprises combined are now known as Faeros Galactic.

2703 : Formation of the Fearos Militia helped stabilize Faeros Enterprises. Continual Vanduul raids damage Faeros Galactic profits. Weapon and shield research begins.

2720 : Due to the success found in the Faeros militia its manpower is doubled far beyond the requirements of Faeros Galactic. Faeros militia is contracted by the UEE to defend fringe system.

2801 : Faeros Militia contracted by the UEE to handle delicate operations in Vanduul space.

2872 : Faeros Militia contracted by the UEE to defend against a major Vanduul fleet. Faeros were victorious but crippled. UEE denied all knowledge of the events. Faeros Galactic stock drops.

2903 : Vanduul wore down the Faeros Militia by attrition. Defence of its own assets became impossible. Rebuilding the Faeros Militia became unfeasible.

2941 : Faeros Galactic CEO dumps his shares forcing the stock price into a freefall. Board of directors force sale of remaining Faeros assets to cover financial losses. Faeros Enterprises is bought out by competitors. Faeros Militia disbanded.

2942 : Faeros Militia commanders regrouped to form the Faeros Collective with a new directive, mandate and charter.


We are a group of South African gamers looking to enjoy ourselves and hopefully build a small empire.

Our initial objectives still need to be fleshed out somewhat but the general idea is to head out towards the fringes in the hopes of finding a resource rich area in which we can setup operations.

Our roles/duties will be defined by the requirement of certain services come the time. With the aim of protecting cargo deliveries, collecting resources and delivering safely. Mining and trading of mined resources for the betterment of the organisation and its members. In time as our military capability grows, we can look to cater for certain mercenary work requests and the protecting and clearing of capital ships, systems and planets.

We are not a hardcore org, and have various real life duties/responsibilities. Game time commitment will be left up to the discretion of the member. Being a member of a sub-org will be permitted and having another org as their Primary org will also be permitted.

That said, please feel free to apply for membership.


We reserve the right to remove any player who is deemed to be aggressive, abusive, rude, derogatory, racist and cannot work within a team.
