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Cosmic Stella Rimor / COSMICSR

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Cosmic Stellar Rimor prides itself on exploration and helping those in need above all else!

We detest every form of piracy and condemn all those that part take in such activities.

Although we are primarily explorers, we will hunt lawful bounties for pirates and wrong doers!

We are C.S.R!


Humanity is curious, we explore and investigate because we must, it’s how we understand and expand!

CSR was founded as an organisation in 2075. Thanks to the creation of the first self-sustaining Quantum drive created by Dr. Scott Childress. Like minded individuals knew this was a stepping stone to something incredible, and dangerous!

If humanities history has taught us anything, we’re aggressive as a species to that which we do not know. CSR is focused on being the best of humanity, to discover new secrets and details, to uncover these truths and understand what is in front of us, whilst protecting those from harm.

From the great “Mars Tragedy” it was understood that CSR needed to expand its jurisdiction across Sol, thus our engineers assisted with the construction of the first commercially available ships created by Robert Space Industries. The RSI Zeus – A short range explorer.

As we know from our history books, the first human born off world was Abeni Okon at Port Renatus, in the infirmary on Mars on the 18th of March 2157, she became a symbol of mankind and heavily influenced the CSR’s ideals for space travel.

Thanks to our input with the Zeus in 2140 our organisation was requested to assist in the creation of humanities first interstellar star ship, the Artemis, members of the organisation volunteered to be placed in stasis for the flight. The vessel launched in 2232, before the discovery of the jump point. The ship successfully exited the solar system to never be seen again. To this day it is still unknown what the fate of the ship and our representatives were.

In 2262 a number of ships begun disappearing in the same location within space, this area of space was deemed the Neso Triangle and was deemed a no-fly zone. CSR deemed the area unsafe and implored that no ship were to travel to this location until this anomaly was correctly investigated. Thanks to our work with Nick Croshaw we discovered that the Neso triangle was in fact a jump point, due to his discovery he became the first human ever to successfully travel to another star system.

We still hold Nick Croshaw’s words close to us as an organisation -

  • “The Unknown may seem incomprehensible to us, but that’s simply because we don’t understand it yet. I wanted to understand. I was willing to go to the end of space to understand.”
  • “We have become explorers again. We have resurrected mystery, discovery and adventure.”

From that point on, CSR became an institution for exploration across known space, assisting with discoveries such as the Nemo System and the Centauri system. we assisted with the terraforming of the Croshaw system and much more.

First contact was made with an alien race, the Banu. All of humanity rejoiced. This was the first time in our existence that we finally had the answer to the burning question, are we the only sentient life out there. Shortly after we encountered the Xi’an race, the CSR were concerned about this as a cold war between humanity and the Xi’an began, with casualties on each side, although there were no major conflicts, humanity realised that there were threats out in space, thus conjuring up fear of the unknown once more.

That brought us to 2541, encountering the Tevarin.

Throughout human history into flying into space, CSR always took a back seat and assisted where we could, so much so that many historians do no consider our input as integral to the success of space flight. That all changed during the Humanity/Tevarin war. Whilst humanity was the defensive party the Tevarins were brutal warriors. whilst our technology was more advanced than theirs, their war tactics were unmatched. More and more citizens signed up to CSR in order to protect humanity from the Tevarin threat that lasted 4 years. Many lives were lost.

Although we were an integral party to assisting the war, we are still Xenofiles by our nature, after the news that UPE were going to terraform the Tevarin systems for human colonization we realised that the cycle of humanity conquering worlds would continue, and we protested.

2603, Tevarin warlord, Corath’Thal rebuilt a Tevarin battle-fleet to reclaim their home world, the CSR was divided and many people left due to sympathy for their cause, unfortunately the UPE refused to release its conquered territory and the CSR was once again pulled into a Tevarin war, this time lasting a total of 7 years. Many CSR members joined ranks with the UPE military to fend off the Tevarin advancement.

Thanks to the brave souls of Squadron 42 at the ‘Battle of Centauri’ Corath’Thal was defeated and the spirit of the Tevarin race was broken. CSR down to its bare bones had to rebuild and decided it would not only explore the unknown world, but it would focus on maintaining positive relationships with other races, keeping all races safe from harm and continuing to prove that not all of humanity were conquerors, but down to our core, we were xenophiles.

Despite the CSR’s Xenohile nature there are still 2 main threats we believe to be Humanities downfall, the Vanduul race and their ruthless nature and Humanities own greed and aggression. This is why we do what we must by the letter of the law.

This is why we as an organisation must be Humanities best.
This is why we must be strong as we discover what could be a front line.
This is why we must be resilient to hold that front line.

This is why, we are CSR!


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