Confederacy of Independent Planets / COIP

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

We’re not just an organization, but a faction with diverse civilian work departments like mining/salvage and trading/cargohaul. Our military structure includes the CPN, CPMC, and CPER. What sets us apart is our democratic governance. Join us in fighting piracy and safeguarding galactic peace!



Since its discovery in 2851, the Stanton solar system developed into a thriving center for trade, commerce, and scientific exploration. Stanton had a large number of habitable, privately owned planets, each with its own culture, resources, and inhabitants. However, with the growth of interstellar travel and the spread of human settlements came a new threat: piracy.

Piracy became a widespread problem in the Stanton Solar System, threatening the stability and prosperity of the planets and their inhabitants. Pirate gangs driven by greed and lawlessness plundered trade routes, attacked cargo ships, and extorted money from planetary governments. The need for a united front against this threat became apparent.

The planet’s own security forces were not up to the task, already struggling with increasing crime on their own planets.
Some influential figures within the Stanton System decided in 2893 to do something about this systematic pirate exploitation.
They got together to find a way to combat the pirates and the increased crime and stop it from spreading further.

After weeks of deliberation, the so-called Senators forged a historic agreement – the Confederation of Independent Planets (CIP). The Confederation of Independent Planets (CIP) was founded on the principles of mutual cooperation, collective defense, and the common goal of eradicating piracy in the Stanton Solar System. Each planet would retain its sovereignty, culture, and individual system of government, but in the face of piracy they would stand together as a united front. The planets MicroTech and Crusader joined the Confederation at its inception, Hursten and ArcCorp were not accepted into the alliance after further negotiations because they refused to adjust their working and living conditions to the new standards.
To accomplish its mission, the CIP established the Interplanetary Security Council (ISC), a central body responsible for coordinating and implementing anti-piracy measures. The ISC brought together military strategists, intelligence experts, and diplomats from each planet and corporation to develop a comprehensive plan. They developed strategies to monitor trade routes, establish security outposts, and gather intelligence on pirate activity throughout the system.

The CIP worked closely with the military and law enforcement agencies of the associated individual planets to establish a robust interplanetary defense network. Advanced technologies, including state-of-the-art starships, powerful energy weapons, and advanced surveillance systems, were used to defeat pirate fleets and protect innocent people and valuable resources.

The CIP faced numerous challenges along the way. The pirate factions fought back fiercely, adapting their tactics and becoming more sophisticated. However, the combined efforts of the CIP planets proved resilient. Over time, they developed strategic alliances, shared information networks, and innovative methods to combat piracy. By pooling their resources, knowledge, and experience, they successfully pushed back the pirate infestation and made the Stanton Solar System a safer place for trade and exploration.

Right now, the CIP and its allies are gathering their fleets to get to the root of piracy. We will launch an expedition to the Pyro system, because according to current reconnaissance results the active base of operations of the pirates can be found there…


The Confederacy of Independent Planets Manifesto:

We unite as a faction, not just an organization. Our mission: fight piracy, Vanduul raids, and ensure galactic peace. Diverse civilian work departments: mining/salvage, trading/cargohaul. Robust military structure: CPN, CPMC, CPER. Democratic governance: Senate shaping laws, equality for all. Join us on this grand adventure, together we’ll make a difference!


The CIP law book.
This is the law book that you are obligated to follow as a citizen of CIP
All laws are voted in by the Senate and are subject to changes

1. We are not pirates.
We do not rob or attack people unprovoked.
If you are a citizen of CIP you are not allowed to attack or provoke other people in the verse. unless they are in a org/faction hostile to CIP

2. Do not attack, kill or harass Citizens/allies of CIP.
We do not tolerate attacks or provocation on other citizens or allies to the CIP

3. You have to pay 10% of your income after expenses are paid.
A factions overall income is vital for its survival and prosperity. Therefor there is invoked taxes of 30% of your income paid to CIP’s faction bank
There is a leader in all professions in the CIP these leaders will be able to request a sum of the CIP’s wealth to upgrade said profession this includes
Ships, equipment, AI crew etc.

4. Citizens are also Military reserves.
If you are not enrolled in the navy or marine you are as a citizen forced in the CIP reserves.
This means in case of war where the navy/marines are down on manpower the military can with a majority senate vote conscript citizens into their ranks.

If you break a law you will be punished accordingly
Punishments can vary depending on the law break.
Fines, death sentence, prison time of up to a max of 2 hours.

*Laws to uphold our alliance with ORGG Interplanetary
This is the law book set together by the leaders of each part of the alliance.*

1. Should the Ally fall under direct attack, a force is to be moved to their assistance ASAP if at all possible.
If you get a broadcast that a ally from ORGG is under attack or in distress you are obligated to assist to the best of your abilities.
Example: If you fly a trade ship you do not go there, you make a distress to the CIP Navy informing them of whats going on. So they can respond with a strike force to assist the ORGG member.

2. Parts of the CIP Fleet may be delegated to run alongside missions of the ORGG.
- Should no CIP Flagship be present during these missions, you are to act under their command.
- Should a vessel be required by CIP during this time, it is to separate from the ORGG fleet ASAP ignoring any ORGG orders.

3. Attacking ORGG allies and members even if criminal charges have been filed against them will be punished accordingly.
This is a severe law break and may be punished by
Re-education:Ranks striped (You start from scratch)
Permanent off world assignment: (Forcibly stay off planet for long duration up to a month)
Civil Status revoked: Instant removal from the CIP faction.

4. You are not to attempt to recruit any current members of the ORGG into CIP.
doing so will be considered as treason and you will instantly get a civil Status revokal