Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Cobro Force / COBROFORCE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Exploration

Cobro Force is a Community driven Star Citizen organization founded by CobraTV.
We have a place for every profession, trade and walk of life.

Come hangout and join the fun on Discord:

> Join the Discord <
> Watch the Fun <


Not so long ago in a galaxy far far away. Citizens found a goofy pilot, and welcomed him with open arms. These Citizens formed a group called The Cobro Force. Together they are all unstoppable. Join us today!!!


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The Cobro Force Rules:

Our goal is to build a community of space gamers. A place for like minded people to get together, meet others, and play Star Citizen.

  1. To facilitate a welcoming environment, we ask that you be respectful to your fellow members. There will be no Bullying, Racist, Inappropriate messages or offensive language. If you notice ANY behavior from ANY member within the discord that is OFFENSIVE OR DEGRADING please report it to the staff .
  2. Please keep all chats relevant to specific channels. Please refrain from controversial subjects such as politics, news, etc… Lets Keep It To Gaming Citizens.
  3. Cobro-Force will not tolerate Griefers, or trolls. Please Don’t be toxic in the community as it will warrant removal. Staff can be contacted using the /contact “Message” command.
  4. “Not Safe For Work/NSFW”, Pornography, and misc. adult content will NOT be allowed in ANY channel.
  5. We are an “at will” community, this means you may be removed by an Admin for any reason, without explanation. Including your messages. Discords terms and community guidelines can be found at .
  6. You agree to not use demeaning language, and respect others at all times, if you notice a member failing to meet this standard please visit the Discord Channel “#contact-staff” and reach out to us.
  7. During streams please limit any offensive topics that may not be suitable to viewers… Moderators retain the right to remove you from stream comms at any time
  8. Try to limit background noises… Such as coughing, vaping, chewing, etc. Into your mic as this causes a lot of noise for others… utilize PTT when and where possible, it’s always a great idea to key bind this within discord as we do have rooms that require PTT!
  9. Allow everyone to have their time to speak, try to avoid taking over the general chat with random nonsense. Things such as topics not relating to the game. (Your cars mechanics wife isn’t any of our concern) Please clear any talking when you hear “Clear Comms” announced.
  10. Avoid topics such as politics, current events, news, or other controversial subjects that may erupt in a disagreement. The streams are a place to play games!

> Join the Discord <