Chaos Gremlins / CHAOSGREMS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Social

We are Chaos Gremlins! Are you? If things go wrong around you, or if you’ve experienced some really serious bugs, you could be a Chaos Gremlin already! Have you learned from your worst experiences? Are you interested in learning more? OR are you ready to share what you’ve learned? We are for you!


Once upon a time, a station rat named Anne started to realize that when she was wandering the worlds of the ‘verse, bad things happened. Bad, strange and wonderful things. Sometimes the people with her would randomly end up in jail. Sometimes entire ships would explode for no good reason. And while it’s true that this kind of thing could happen to anybody, Anne realized these things especially happened around her. Suddenly she realized something someone said to her as an insult was actually the truth. While holding a circuit breaker she had removed from a new friend’s brand new ship, she realized she was something special. And then a day later, she realized there were other people like her. And a few days after that, she learned there were people who could appreciate what a Chaos Gremlin brings to the world. “We make things exciting,” Anne said with a smile. “We make things risky, we spin the Wheel of Fortune and you just never know if it’s Big Money or Door #3! But you know one thing is true. You will probably die! But oh, that death will be glorious!”


Bugs happen. Star Citizen is an incredibly addictive lesson in non-attachment. But if you can persevere and get through these times, you’re guaranteed to become one of the most experienced people upon ‘release’. So why not put that learning to good use? We are always looking for people who know a thing or two about the game. We’re also very much invested in helping to build a community that welcomes newbies and people who acknowledge they still have a lot to learn and maybe need some help doing it. Our events are currently based on trades and operations, running RMC, practicing moving with military precision and helping people make them creds. We enjoy having people in our voice channels on Anne’s discord, and if you show up often enough, throw your wisdom around with grace and compassion, well you might just be finding yourself a home with us. Just…we are Chaos Gremlins. Expect to find bugs. Expect to lose things. We’ll help you out when we can but…yeah, you’re gonna die…


Rule #1 – 100% Anne, 100% of the time!
Anne finds bugs
Bugs find Anne
Playing with Anne may result in jail time, sudden death or loss of consciousness, loss of credits or game items, etc.
Do not party with a Chaos Gremlin if you don’t like bugs, punching your way out of jail, or questioning your view of the SC universe, what your favourite poptart is, and whether or not you are Lawful/Good
(Hint: you aren’t…)

Rule #2 – This! Is! …not Sparta…
Please remember this is Anne’s space. Talk freely about heavy metal, EDM, fantasy/horror/scifi genres in movies, AND tasteful ADULT topics.
There will be NO CENSORING for the sake of minors so please welcome only ADULT members to this channel.
There is no streaming of games other than SC at this time; however, Anne may stream her art in her personal channel, and may ask to see your art or games IN HER CHANNEL ONLY. Let’s keep non SC related things to a happy minimum.

Rule #3 – Sh*t Happens
This game is in ALPHA. Not even Beta. It’s ALPHA.
Expect bugs, big item or credit losses, severe game-hampering glitches, and server malfunctions.
Learn the art of detachment.
If you’re upset about a loss or bug, please ask for help, that’s what friends do for each other.
Avoid saying phrases like “you’re on your own”, “figure it out yourself “, and “you have to learn in order to win.” This is a game, not a job. We’re here to play. Help each other get back to playing as soon as possible. Be generous with credits and praise. Be kind to all, newbies and vets alike.
If you get upset and table flip, dip or take a break, tell someone because Anne WILL worry if people come in, play, then disappear.

Rule #4 – Seldom is Heard a Disparaging Word
Avoid aggressive or polarizing subject matter like politics, money and religion. Talk like you’re at your partner’s parents’ dinner table if you need to, or just keep things chill and neutral.
Opinions are awesome but if things start to escalate, expect to be stopped.
If you aren’t comfortable with topics and people aren’t de-escalating things, try the following safe-word-style phrases;
“Don’t make me call in a Chaos Gremlin, haha!”
“I invoke the might of the Chaos Gremlins!”
These types of phrases are an all-call full-stop to whatever is going on, and require people to step back, take a breath, and get help if needed.
This is a safe space. All inclusive. Don’t be a dick or zealot or bigot.

Rule #5 – The Walls Have Ears…and Eyes
Keep up to date on scams, dupes and cheats.
Be conscious of pirating strategies and techniques.
Share what you know and hear about.

Rule #6 – Revenge is Personal
Bad behaviour to the org, to party members or friends of the org or party members, and to the SC community as a whole won’t be tolerated.
If there is a pirate event or action being taken against others, the org can choose to intercede and participate.
If you are being targeted, unjustly or otherwise, ask the org as friends for help. Members of the org are not obligated to help but they will probably do it anyway.
Pirating is part of the SC universe. Griefing is direct, feels personal, and is NOT pirating. Cheating using stream sniping is NOT pirating, is NOT SC or RSI approved behaviour and can be reported. Don’t do this and don’t abide such behaviour.
IMPORTANT – If someone harmed you, if you intend to hunt another player down for that or any reason, if you intend to be a pirate of any sort, DO NOT do it with more than TWO org members, including yourself.
Revenge is PERSONAL.

Rule #7 – There is No Rest for the Wicked, You Can Sleep When You’re Dead
Don’t idle in voice channels. Use them as much as you want and can, for mundane game activities right up to coordinated ops. Once you’re done and ready to step away from the computer, disconnect from voice chat.
Try to use voice chat when you’re present and focused on quality gaming time. Background noise makes it hard for other people to focus on party or event leader instructions, and makes it hard to connect as friends. Find and make use of the MUTE button.

Rule #8 – What’s In A Name?
Don’t trash talk other players and orgs in public channels.
DO report names and orgs that are griefing, scamming and pirating to a VICEROY or more specifically to ChaosActual in a PRIVATE manner. We will not update members on actions taken or discussions had about such reports except when deemed necessary. (edited)

Rule #9 – Fair Pay for Fair Play
If you are participating in a salvage op or other credit-earning opportunity in SC, from beginning to end, you will receive an EVEN SPLIT – credits will be split fairly between all start-to-finish members. Any other arrangements are at the discretion of the op leader.
If you join after an op starts or have to leave early, negotiate your pay with the party leader ASAP.
Don’t wait for someone to realize you haven’t gotten paid.
Don’t get irrate with someone who asks about pay.
Don’t keep quiet if you need credits.

Gremlin – Org Leader. 100% Anne, 100% of the time. Love it or leave it.
Viceroy – A highly trusted member given the option for greater responsibility, these are the officers of this org, and may also be server admins
Compatriot – These are our trusted members, people who show initiative, and who may also have vanity titles in the future such as Event Manager, Fleet Manager, Treasurer; this is the core member rank, and most members of the org are compatriots
Peer – This is the first rank in the org, and contains people interested in the org, granting them access to general channels
NEWBIE – These are people we have identified as needing or wanting help, who have recently started playing the game, and/or who have a lot of questions that need answers. If you see a NEWBIE tag, please be kind with responding to answers. If you are a NEWBIE but you know you’re NOT a NEWBIE, tell a Viceroy and we’ll change the tag for you!
Veteran Citizen – These are people who have played for at least a year or more, who have glorious stories to tell of very severe bugs, and who can answer questions about most things SC related. These are our resources, let’s treat them with great respect.
Probably Fine – Inspired by a buggy citizen, this title or rank or role is for people who we have just met, who we don’t quite know yet, and who are just joining us. It’s fine, it’s probably fine, it’ll be fine…
Chaos Gremlin – This is someone known to Anne directly, who she has identified as a fun and mischievous person. Avoid these people at all costs if you’re a serious gamer who table-flips about the little things like credit loss or crime stats. Just warning ya. Just sayin’!