Blacksheep / BSBS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

They’re often called rogues, outcasts, and much worse, but amongst themselves they’re known as the Blacksheep.


Humble Beginnings

The Blacksheep wasn’t created by a corporation, government, or any other entity. It was a few people just trying to make a living and didn’t want to be hassled too much. They helped each other when possible. Other like-minded folks began to associate with them.

This misunderstood group is often seen as outsiders, outcasts, or rogues. They found a name that fits this image; they called themselves the Blacksheep.


The Blacksheep is a loose affiliation of friends that come-and-go as they please without having a big-brother entity watching their every move (corporate, government, or otherwise). They mean well, but sometimes life dictates they venture into the grey area of the law. This drive for individualism, while at the same time banding together to help each other if necessary, makes them misunderstood by normal societyin the ‘verse. It makes them Blacksheep.

Because of this mentality, the group has no hard rules except, “Don’t be a d!cI<”.

— To protect the reputation of the Blacksheep and its members, piracy and murder will not be tolerated. If you must take a life, it should be in self-defense, collecting a bounty, or coming to the aid of others.

The Blacksheep is NOT a pirate organization. If you wish to engage in piracy, please join an organization focused on that. If it is discovered you kill players for no good reason, you will be removed. Remember, don’t be a d!cI<. —


Blacksheep Charter

1. Don’t be a d!cI<.
2. (optional) Heed the wise words of the devs:
- Don’t suck. —Eric “Wingman” Peterson
- This is bullshit. —Chris Roberts
- That’s bullshit. —Chris Roberts

— To protect the reputation of the Blacksheep and its members, piracy will not be tolerated. The Blacksheep is NOT a pirate organization. If you wish to engage in piracy, please join an organization focused on that. If discovered to be a pirate, members can be removed at administrators’ discretion. —

Personal Rules That Individual Members Have Placed Upon Themselves

Since the Blacksheep is a loose association of individuals rather than a rank-and-file organization, each individual might have their own personal code of conduct. Whether it’s to maintain their reputation or to announce their business philosophy, we will post them here at the individual’s request:

Troubl’s rules

- Rule No. 1: “I get the job done, and then I get paid.”
- Rule No. 2: “Don’t be a d!cI<.”
- Rule No. 3: “Remember Rule #2.”