Association of Capitalists, Explorers, & Soldiers / ACES

  • Organization
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  • Resources
  • Security

Welcome to ACES!

The Association of Capitalists, Explorers, and Soldiers.

The oldest and first player-made org in the Star Citizen Universe!


The ACES founders held a profound belief in the strength and resilience of a democratic player organization, and today, we proudly proclaim that we have wholeheartedly realized their vision for over TEN remarkable years!

Within ACES, you will discover a refreshing absence of the customary guild elitism, favoritism, or unnecessary drama. Appointed leaders are ordinary members just like you! At ACES, every individual possesses a voice and occupies a seat at the table. We offer unparalleled opportunities and a superior Star Citizen experience. From the moment you join, you become an integral part of something immense, where the sky is not the limit to what you can achieve!

We invite you to delve further and join the vibrant celebration that is ACES!


The object of this Society shall be:

1. To provide a framework where individuals can attain success and acclaim in Star Citizen.
2. To promote its members equality and individuality.
3. To promote democracy in the Star Citizen universe.
4. To coordinate the various professions of our members in Star Citizen.
5. To uphold and protect the laws of the United Empire of Earth.
6. To promote and nurture its members’ interest in video games.



The Association of Capitalists, Explorers and Soldiers (ACES) is a democratic organization that values the contributions and individuality of each of its members. It is composed of an equal union of peers. Through its members combined strength by mutual association, members of ACES will be able to attain their individual goals by playing Star Citizen how they want, when they want. Within the organization, the coordination and collaboration of our diverse membership leads to our collective success.


The name of this Society shall be The Association of Capitalists, Explorers, and Soldiers.


The objective of this Society shall be:

1. To provide a framework where individuals can attain success and acclaim in Star Citizen.
2. To promote its members equality and individuality.
3. To promote democracy in the Star Citizen universe.
4. To coordinate the various professions of our members in Star Citizen.
5. To uphold and protect the laws of the United Empire of Earth.
6. To promote and nurture its members’ interest in video games.


Section 1. Membership Eligibility and Admission Procedure. Anyone with an interest in Star Citizen is eligible. Any alternate characters of a member must still abide by this constitution. Anyone who wishes to become a member will submit an Application on the website, and will become a full member upon acceptance by a Councilor or Officer.

Section 2. Resignation from Membership. Any member desiring to resign from the Society shall submit his resignation to the Executive Councilman via Personal Message.

Section 3. Member Duties.

1. Be law-abiding members of the United Empire of Earth. Engagement in unlawful activity is grounds for permanent expulsion from the Society.
2. Have the same rights and privileges as every other member.
3. Be professional in their dealings and strive for excellence.
4. Respect their elected leadership and their appointed officers and commanders. Report problems to the Council for adjudication.
5. Not engage in bribery. Both the briber and the receiver of the bribe may be expelled from the Society.
6. Be loyal to the Society. Treason or being a member of another Star Citizen guild will result in expulsion.
7. Not intentionally harm any other member, or by in-action, allow any member to come to harm if assistance was possible. Members are obligated to assist other members in whatever capacity they can, within reason, unless it will mean their certain or likely death.
8. Not harm law-abiding humans through violence or dishonest practices under any circumstances.


Section 1. Purpose. To provide members with the freedom and initiative to unite and foster effective systems for coordination of efforts toward common objectives. Squadron Leaders and Members must enforce positive environments in line with the code of conduct.

Section 2. Squadron Membership. Any member may form a Squadron by identifying the Squadron Leader, Motto and Objective. A Squadron is probationary until it has five members. Squadron Leaders may add or remove members at their own discretion.

Section 3. Role Classification. Each Squadron’s members unite to fulfill a designated role or function indicated by the [X-Y-Z] nomenclature, with the total sum equating to nine (9). The Squadron’s classification does not restrict its functionality, or its members preferred type of gameplay. This classification signifies the focus of the squadron as a distribution of Capitalists, Explorers, and Soldiers. For instance, [3-3-3] represents a balanced distribution, while [9-0-0] indicates a focus on Capitalist objectives.

Section 4. Dissolution. Squadrons may be closed by the unanimous vote of the Council for violations of the ideals outlined in the constitution or code of conduct.

Section 5. Official Mission Forces. Squadrons fulfil roles spanning various occupations allowing for effective cooperation to accomplish objectives as set by Councilors and Commanders. Squadrons are typically called to fulfill roles in line with their role classification.


Section 1. Councilmen and Duties.
The seven councilmen of the Society shall be the Executive Councilman, two Capitalist Councilmen, two Explorer Councilmen, and two Soldier Councilmen. These councilmen shall perform the duties prescribed by this constitution.

Section 2. Nomination Procedure, Time of Elections.
Any member wishing to run for office will announce their candidacy in the Election section on SPECTRUM. This section will be open to all members starting fourteen days before the new term to allow members to announce, nominate, and then vote. Elections are to be called by the Executive Councilor, typically every three months.

Section 3. Ballot Election and Removal from Office.
The councilmen shall be elected by ballots cast on the SPECTRUM forum. The Executive Councilman will post an announcement and private message all members informing them that the Councilor seats are being voted on.

Section 4. Office-Holding Limitations. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the Council.

Section 5. Executive Councilman. The Executive Councilman will:
1. Coordinate the actions of the other branches of the Society.
2. Manage the administrative and bureaucratic functions of the Society.
3. Be responsible for recruitment and promotion of the Society to the larger universe.
4. Organize cooperation between the Society and other organizations.
5. Appoint officers and commanders.

Section 6. Capitalist Councilmen. The Capitalist Councilmen will:
1. Be responsible for the trade and industrial activities of the Society. This includes business ventures operated directly by the Society, as well as coordinating trade and cooperation between ACES members.
2. Be responsible for the mining, manufacturing, production, trading posts and stores of the Society.

Section 7. Explorer Councilmen. The Explorer Councilmen will:
1. Be responsible for the exploration operations of the Society.
2. Disseminate the information and intelligence gathered by explorers to all members.
3. Work closely with traders and explorers not only to find new systems to access, but also to discover new opportunities.
4. Manage scouting and bounty-hunting operations.

Section 8. Soldier Councilmen. The Soldier Councilmen will:
1. Coordinate the military functions of the Society.
2. Manage the security of the Society assets, and protect the members.
3. Work closely with the other branches to coordinate escorts and fire support for traders and explorers entering unsecured territory.
4. Manage and coordinate combat operations against pirates or other threats to the Society’s security.
5. Coordinate training exercises and keep the Society’s military assets ready for combat.
6. Manage private wars against guilds who threaten the Society’s security or attempt to bar the Society’s access to trade routes. The decision to declare war will involve the entire Council.

Appointed Officials:

Section 1. Officers. The Councilors may appoint officers to help them in their duties. Officers can be appointed by the Executive Councilman, or by both Councilmen of a particular office. Officers may hold office until being demoted by the Council.

Section 2. Commanders. The Executive Councilmen appoints OMF Commanders who work in collaboration with the six Councilors to formulate the overarching strategic objectives for ACES, and then execute the missions by coordinating with Squadron Leaders and Members. They analyze the multifaceted landscape of opportunities and challenges, devising comprehensive plans to achieve our corporate goals; including but not limited to: Coordination, Mission Assignment, Asset Optimization, Performance Evaluation.

The Council:

Section 1. Council Composition. The seven Councilmen of the Society shall constitute the Council. Officers & Commanders may observe Council Meetings.

Section 2. Council Duties and Powers. The Council shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society, make recommendations to the Society, and perform such other administrative duties as are specified in this constitution.

Section 3. Assets and Donations. The Council will be responsible for the management, use, buying, and selling of group assets. The Council will also be responsible for administering the Society’s donations. Contributed money will be spent on the improvement of the Society, its buildings, its website, and its fleet for the benefit of all members. All transactions regarding the Society’s assets and donations will require a five vote majority in the Council. The only exception to this is when a member donates funds or assets to be used for a specific purpose.

Parliamentary Authority:

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and any special rules of order the Society may adopt. Any significant violation may be reviewed by the council

Amendment of the Constitution:

This constitution may be amended by a three-quarters vote of participating members. The voting for all amendments shall be open for fourteen days on SPECTRUM. The Executive Councilman will post an announcement and private message all members informing them that a bylaw amendment is being voted on.