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The Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens / 4XH

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Smuggling
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

The Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens is a faith-based society devoted to the disbursement of and application of weaponry, contraband, fighters, and unlicensed hospitals. We welcome all to our income-centered faith. Come and welcome to the new and improved 4H we all remember from our youths.


The Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens, also known as 4H, started out as an organization on Earth in 1902 A.D., but eventually evolved into a society that focuses on helping people, mainly our brothers and community of the Hierarchy. Ever since Exarch Salt joined Chamberlain Saige, the organization’s focus changed from it’s original principles to the faith-based community it is now. Come and join our collective Citizen. Come, and believe in the power of income, bounty collecting, and item distribution that is all completely morally gray.


The purpose of the Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens is to provide, promote, and pilfer various materials. Some of these materials are controlled substances, weaponry, ships, and coin. Our motive is clear, to amass the largest collection and coins in the solar system. The 4H believes that all are welcome when it comes to questionable ethical standards, and that those who believe that the law be followed explicitly simply do not understand the intention of the law. They would not have made it if they did not wish for people to circumvent it.


The Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens is divinely granted, by ourselves, the right to engage in all morally ambiguous behavior and to selflessly relieve our friends, enemies, and anything in between, of all of their valuables, materials, ships, and lives. The new 4H was founded on these four principles:

1. Monetary Superiority
2. Military Might
3. Material Riches
4. Morally Questionable Ethical Code

The Heretical Hierarchy of Hired Heathens prides itself on its desire to sustain a level of good reputation and honor. As such, the founders of the 4H have enacted these 8 rules that must be followed at all times while one is apart of the collective. And remember, these are rules, not laws. These have real consequences:

1. The word ‘Cult’ must be extricated from one’s vocabulary upon initiation into the community. Any referral to the word thereof must only be referred to as the “C” word, and any use of the “C” word will result in reprimands and possibly more severe punishments.
2. One must not steal from a Brother or Sister in the Hierarchy. Doing so may result in excommunication from the organization and possible bounties to be placed.
3. Brothers or Sister can ask another for a favor at any time. If accepted, they must then owe the other individual a favor that they must repay within a timely fashion of being asked to repay it (Timely fashion is according to the need at hand).
4. If a Brother or Sister is in need and calls for assistance, if you are available and can complete the task, you should accept it. This is more of a guideline than a rule, but please try to follow it anyways.
5. If you disobey the rules of the Hierarchy, your actions will be judged by a council of higher officials. Should your actions be deemed in direct conflict to the collective, you will be punished. If the action continues or is too terrible to let slide, the council or the Exarchs have the ability to decide to excommunicate the offender.
6. Excommunicated individuals can no longer work for, with, or request work from the 4H officially. They may still contact members of the collective and those members may help them personally, but not in an official 4H capacity.
7. Private business may be conducted using 4H resources. However, a portion of the earnings or resources gathered must be donated back to the collective. The amount to be donated depends on the resources used by the faction.
8. When conducting official business or personal business when using 4H resources, the member must inform any contacts that they are working on behalf of the 4H, both to give reputation with the 4H, and to hold that member to the standards that the 4H wishes to be held to.

These are the rules and regulations that all heretics must follow.