• Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading


drama free, because we’re not out there to win

we do not believe in command, but in individuality


It began with a group of space enthusiasts with no other way to the stars but service in the UEE’s legendary volunteer unit, Squadron 42. Having earned UEE citizenship and enough credits for their own equipment, they mustered out and regrouped around the common goals of watching each other’s backs and exploring known and unknown space. In memory of their origins, they now fly under the banner of the 42 Underdogs.


42 Underdogs is an organization focusing on exploration. We search the depths of the galaxy for the hidden, the forgotten and the rare. Everything else follows naturally; players dedicated to exploration are going to get into all kinds of “situations”, in all kinds of places. That exotic Xi’an tech you’ve discovered? Sure, it might be considered illegal in UEE space – but the Banu might have a use for it. 42UDG can and will move almost anything anywhere, any time.

We are an trust-based organization limited to 42 mature, friendly members. We believe that these 42 members will be more than equal to any task in the Star Citizen universe, while still remaining a tight-knit community. We’re looking to avoid the dominant MMO mentality of “get a huge number of players and rule the game”; there’s nothing to rule in Star Citizen except your own life.


Structure, Leadership and Rank

Think of us as a network of individuals with similar interests and goals. We don’t have commanders and members don’t have to report to anyone as long as they are following our One Rule. Our organizational structure is based on the assumption that mature, common-sense people will help each other in times of need.

We have only two membership categories:

Trial Member – members that have applied to 42UDG and are waiting for full membership
Full Member – proven members of 42UDG organization

We know that there are many aspects to life in the Star Citizen universe, which is why we are tolerant of almost any activities our members decide to engage in: Long-haul trading; owning an orbital factory; opening a bar on the fringe of UEE-regulated space; providing fire support for a member transporting exotic goods; racing around in an M-50 to relay valuable information to a buyer… anything you want to do is allowed, and respected. We do not control your business, we merely help you run it.

One-Rule Policy

There’s only one thing we will not support, and for which we will permanently terminate membership: Involvement in inhumane activities such as slave trafficking, threatening and/or killing people without bounties on them, etc. We know it’s a game, and we are not against people who choose to play it that way, but are asking our members not to be involved.