Join us for a Q&A session featuring Senior Lead Gameplay Engineer, Chad McKinney, answering your questions about all things related to cargo and hangars in Alpha 3.24 and beyond.
With their release just on the horizon, join us today for an in-depth look at the current state of the first two RSI Zeus MK II variants. Plus, get a sneak peek at new interface changes coming with the MFD rework.
Join us today as Chief Technology Officer, Benoit Beausejour, answers your questions about server meshing, enhancing server frame rates and more.
Don’t wait pasture bedtime to tune into this mooving episode of Inside Star Citizen, featuring an upcoming legendairy creature and some udderly awesome character customizer updates.
Which faction will you align with in Alpha 4.0? Tune in to get an in-depth overview of what makes each faction unique, along with their combat gameplay differences.
Ever wondered what a day in the life of a concept artist consists of? Tune in for an insider’s perspective from the renowned artist Gavin Rothery, who has produced more vehicle concept art for Star Citizen than any other artist.
Join us for another Q&A session featuring the Frankfurt Level Design Team, who will answer your questions about Contested Zones and Asteroid Bases coming in Alpha 4.0.
How will life in Pyro differ from Stanton? Join us today to discover the differences of how people live in the unique challenges and landscapes Pyro has to offer, in addition to new gameplay experiences.
Join us today for another Q&A session with Design Director, Rick Porter and Senior Principal Systems Designer, Edward Fuller as our guests to answer your burning questions about Jump Points.
It’s getting hot in here, and before you fall into a burning ring of fire, you’ll want to join us for this in-depth review of what you can expect from one of the most-anticipated aspects of Alpha 4.0: Fire Gameplay.